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What Distinguishes Ethical from Unethical Medical Research on Human Subjects? (Essay Sample)

This essay explores what differentiates ethical and unethical medical research on human subjects. Conducting medical research on human subjects has been a controversial topic for many decades. Therefore, it is important to have a clear outline of the ethical principles involved. This essay provides relevant information on the principles that separate what is ethical and what is not while utilizing human subjects for medical research source..
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Number Date What Distinguishes Ethical from Unethical Medical Research on Human Subjects? Conducting medical research on human subjects has been a controversial topic for many decades. This is because the participation of human subjects in medical research presents a formidable ethical dilemma (White 16). However, various regulatory bodies have been established to ensure that the principles of ethics are applied in the participation of human subjects in medical research. According to the Belmont Report issued by the National Commission of the Protection of Human Subjects in Biomedical and Behavioral Research, medical research should constitute activities that are undergone for the protection of human subjects (White 20). This report further states that the following principles should guide any ethical concerns related to the use of human subjects in medical research; respect for persons, beneficence, and justice (White 21). Therefore, ethical medical research on human subjects is a practice that abides by legal standards and the ethical principles of autonomy, justice, beneficence, and non-maleficence. On the other hand, unethical medical research can be regarded as non-compliance with the laid down ethical and legal standards of medical research. Non-compliance in human research increases harm, decreases benefits, and challenges the integrity of the research (Resnik 240). Unethical medical research on human subjects is unacceptable following the cruel nature and violation of human rights. In conclusion, ethical medical research impacts humanity positively through the provision of innovative medical solutions and the practice of respect for ...
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