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Campus Carry Law Can Reduce Or Prevent Gun Related Crimes On Campus (Essay Sample)


Campus-carry law can reduce or prevent gun-related crimes on campus discuss, 4 pages, mla style, 5 sources

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Campus-carry law can reduce or prevent gun-related crimes on campus
Campus mass shootings and other gun related violence are catastrophic events that have become a common occurrence in our culture today. The debate over guns on college campuses reignites each time a gun violence occurs in our universities. There have been numerous cases of mass shooting and other crime related incidents in our universities with the most recent shootings happening in the university of Philadelphia, New Mexico, and Colorado, and the mass shooting that happened at the Sandy Hook Elementary University in December 2012 where a gunman killed more than 30 students (Alarcón, et. All). Since the threats on student’s security don't end once they step in the campus compound, there is need of allowing students to carry concealed weapons on campus and the effective weapon for this purpose will be a pistol. Allowing guns on campus has a potential for great. The National Rifle Association have confidence in the benefits of guns on campus outweighing the costs. On the other hand, it’s beneficial to consider how concealed guns could be of great help in dangerous circumstances. Will an authorized gun carrier be able to stop cases of mass shooting in universities? Would an otherwise helpless female student be able to scare off a rapist if she pulls out her gun? I am of the opinion that allowing guns on campus will help in reducing violent confrontations since perpetrators will fear about their casualties having a gun. This paper discusses the possibility of the campus-carry law reducing or preventing gun-related crimes on campus.
Students or any other individuals within the University premises should have every option available for self-defense in a situation where the possibility of a violent and intolerable crime may occur. Lott, John argues that Reasonable Regulation and the abolition of gun-free zones which may be seen as most vulnerable zones to attacks would make campus environment free and safer. Lott John Further suggests that allowing the campus carry will be a solution to the recent national debate concerning sexual assault on college campuses. A firearm can make a huge difference in a dangerous situation where both men and women could be possibly attacked. Firearms are the best equalizers since they can make even the most possible helpless victim safe from the individuals who intend to hurt them.
According to Kenneth Trump Concealed fire arms will have less or no negative impact on the learning environment. The biggest worries expressed by college and university management are that allowing concealed firearms in universities environment and particularly in the classroom will negatively interfere with the learning environment. This thought appears somewhat baseless since the firearm will be concealed hence they cannot feel vulnerable to something they are unaware of? Firearms have little connections with learning. At the end of the day, it does not distract students. As discussed by Ayoob, Massad, guns in the university can help student concentrate more since they are not frightened about their security any longer. The fact that the weapon is fully concealed, as it ought to be, to the point that no individual will even know it’s there, it will help greatly in reducing violent and gun-related crimes on campus.
Concealed fire arms in universities will guarantee the safety of female students. A typical misguided judgment about concealed carry is the possibility that those people who need a permit are generally men who were raised up with hunting or game shooting foundation (Ayoob Massad). Research show that modern women are choosing to be armed like never before. There is no other protective device available, including electric shock guns and pepper spray, provides a lady with the sort of equal power a handgun offers when assaulted by a bigger, more grounded attacker (Ayoob Massad). Many female activist groups that rally towards empowering women are pushing for to make guns accessible to women especially university going girls who are more vulnerable to attacks. An armed female student will definitely protect herself in a situation where her safety is compromised
The general public can defend themselves while in their homes or workplaces with their licensed guns in case of an attack. On the other hand, students living in university hostels or dormitories cannot defend themselves if found in a similar situation. university hostels are regarded as homes for students; therefore, it makes a lot of sense to allow them to protect themselves in their homes by allowing possession of concealed firearms which will be of great help in a violent attack.
Major United States University and colleges have campus security provided by campus police who patrol the university premises to guarantee students safety. Since the campus police cannot be everywhere in the university compound, in a situation where an active shooter invades the premises, a student with a concealed gun can intervene by confronting the gunman hence saving lives. Students are also citizens and have the rights just like anyone individual in the United States and therefore should be allowed to have their second Amendment rights which permits anybody above 16 years of age to bear weapons for protection. Since the university police are not hundred percent certain to prevent violent crimes, it is therefore mercilessly to disarm students and other university staffs who are potential victims of violent attacks, leaving them and those they could protect vulnerable to rapists and other predators. There are numerous cases in America where armed citizens have frequently saved many lives and stop violent crimes, frequently without shooting. Almost all mass shootings in the United States happen in “gun-free zones,” and some these shootings have been ...
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