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Long-term Effects of Living in a Technological World (Essay Sample)


The core objective of this particular research paper was to investigate FOUR OF the most significant ramifications emanating from living in today's increasingly technology-reliant world. tHE PAPER REQUIRED FOUR UP-TO-DATE ACADEMIC SOURCES, SPECIFICALLY TWO JOURNALS AND TWO BOOKS, USING THE MLA CITATION FORMAT.


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Long-Term Effects of Living in A Technological World
Currently, virtually all facets of human interaction rely on at least one form of technology. However, although technology’s proliferation occurred mostly in recent years, its extensive effect on society is hardly a recent or comparatively novel phenomenon. Instead, technology’s propensity to influence communities is synonymous with humanity’s affinity for progress, which spans the history of human development. Consequently, technology is an inalienable aspect of society capable of instigating marked implications. Often, the effects emanating from living in the existing technological environment assume both positive and negative connotations. Nevertheless, living in a technological world will instigate several ramifications, promoting predominantly beneficial societal gains.
One of these long-term repercussions of living in a technological world is the revolutionization of medicine and healthcare. According to Di-Nardo et al., the realm of medicine and healthcare is of prominent interest to technology developers, making it the recipient of remarkable digital inventions (45). Devices ranging from simple wearables to elaborate exoskeletons promise to redefine approaches to prognoses and clinical diagnoses. In most cases, the increasing uptake of such devices emanates from their nonpareil capacity to reduce the mainly significant instances of inaccurate self-prognoses. Moreover, individuals will access quality healthcare services, including virtual consultations with medical practitioners, without physically visiting a health services provider.
Additionally, living in a technological world will occasion the conventionalization of artificial intelligence (AI). Misra et al. contend that the microprocessor’s 

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