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Writing Assignment On Political Science Journal Response 12 (Essay Sample)


the sample is about the class system theory and an assessment of michael yates' article and reveal what data in the article supports the theory

Political Science Journal Response12
Michael Yates’ article essentially tries to give evidence of income disparities in the world, their causes, effects, consequences and the possible remedies of the global inequalities. Income differences in the world have become a big issue as day by day the gap between the wealthy and the have-nots is increasing significantly. This essay seeks to give an assessment of Michael Yates’ article and reveal what data in the article closely supports the class system theory.
In the article, Michael suggests that the biggest cause of income disparity is the capitalism. This is whereby production activities in a particular state are privatized implying that the largest share of the resources will be controlled by a few individuals. He also points out that the great economic recession of 2007 was another key determinant of the current increasing rate of global wealth disparities. His article shows that of the entire world’s wealth; half of it is controlled by a mere 8% of the world’s population while the other half is distributed the remaining 92% of the population. The article suggests that the consequences of the increasing global wealth disparity could be reduced democracy in countries leading to misuse of power, control of economies by a few individuals, and political unrest among countries. Michael, in his article, suggests that solidarity among workers could be a remedy to help them fight for their right to a better pay and consequently reducing income inequalities.
The class system theory suggests tha...
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