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Political Science: The Financial System (Essay Sample)

client's instructions: assignment requirement: 1) there will be "2 assignments" here, each assignment will be "a 2 pages summary" 2) the 2 pages summary will be required to summarize the required readings, and put more focus on your personal reflection; make it like a response memo and try to criticize the author -)assignment 1 required readings The Financial System Edward S. Steinfeld. 2002. “Moving beyond Transition in China: Financial Reform and the Political Economy of Declining Growth,” Comparative Politics 34(4): 379-98. Sebastian Heilmann. 2005. “Regulatory Innovation by Leninist Means: Communist Party Supervision in China’s Financial Industry.” The China Quarterly 181: 1-21. Victor Shih. 2007. “Partial Reform Equilibrium, Chinese Style: Political Incentives and Reform Stagnation in Chinese Financial Policies.” Comparative Political Studies 40(10): 1238-1262. Richard W. Carney. 2012. “Political Hierarchy and Finance: The Politics of China's Financial Development.” In Andrew Walter and Xiaoke Zhang, eds., East Asian Capitalism: Diversity, Continuity, and Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press. -) assignment 2 required readings Tax Reform Thomas P. Bernstein and Xiaobo Lű. 2003. Taxation without Representation in Contemporary Rural China. New York: Cambridge University Press, Chapters 1 & 8. (ebook) Hongbin Cai and Daniel Treisman. 2006. “Did Government Decentralization Cause China’s Economic Miracle?” World Politics 58(4): 505-535. An Chen. 2014. “How Has the Abolition of Agricultural Taxes Transformed Village Governance in China? Evidence from Agricultural Regions.” The China Quarterly 219: 715-735. The memo should be a product of critical review of the issues related to the week’s topic rather than just a summary of the assigned readings. That said, you should at least be able to identify the main arguments of each reading, its counterarguments, its empirical evidence, and your critiques. source..
Efficient Crystallization Parameters Measurement Techniques Student’s Name: Professor’s Name: Course Title: Date of Submission: Crystallization is either a chemical or physical solid-liquid separation process. The solid obtained from this process has a regular property in terms of size, shape and pattern. The core result of this process is this solid and is called crystals. The process of crystallization has been refined to complexity and applied in many manufacturing industries such as pharmaceuticals and fine chemical industries where it has significantly contributed to hybridization of the production operations. Part of the integral of the complexity of crystallization is measurement of the parameters of the process. The focal parameter measurements in the crystallization process encompass crystal shape, crystal size distribution (CSD), growth rates, nucleation and solid concentration. This research analysis will however exhaust on two parameter measurements, solid concentration and crystal size distribution (CSD). Crystal Size Distribution is the mass of crystals with reference to fixed average crystal size. It is generally the density distribution of the crystals in relation to the number of crystals with different sizes in the solvent (Rangaiah & Adrian, 2013). The paramount concept of crystal size distribution is to develop an equation that governs the conservation of the crystals count as they grow (Beckman, 2013). The process of crystallization has stumbled across a tally of challenges that limit the optimization of the productivity operations (Chianese & Kramer, 2012). Complications in generating the adequate supersaturation for product nucleation and slow crystal growth to optimum size have surfaced (Aslund, 1989). This has in turn made separation of the crystals from the solvent and their washing strenuous. Polymorphism of crystals is a common feature in the batch crystallization process. Polymorphism is a state of the solid obtained in crystallization acquiring the ability to have more than one crystal structure. This is another headspring of a challenge in the batch crystallization process as it is difficult to control polymorph formation in obtaining polymorphs of the desired physicochemical property and stability (Chianese & Kramer, 2012). All these flaws are as a result of sterilized techniques in the following the Crystal Size Distribution and solid concentration in the proceedings of the crystallization process (Aslund, 1989). On-line non-intrusive crystallization parameter measurement techniques have provided productive operation in the process (Aslund, 1989). Monitoring of the Crystal Size Distribution and Solid concentration in crystallization has been made elementary by these techniques (Rangaiah & Adrian, 2013). The choice of the technique to be applied in monitoring crystallization however depends on one of the two-step growth mechanism through which crystallization occurs (Chianese & Kramer, 2012). The first compartment of this joint process involves formation of non-equilibrium long range order (NLRO) regions making the crystals inhomogeneous (Bakeev, 2008). The non-uniformity of the crystals at this stage makes it difficult and untimely to monitor the crystal size distribution and solid concentration (Beckman, 2013). Monitoring techniques that are more hybrid to others might be preferred (Rangaiah & Adrian, 2013). The second compartment is a prototype of the first compartment as it encircles rearrangement of the non-equilibrium long range order regions into equilibrium long range order regions (ELRO) (Bakeev, 2008).The equilibrium long range order makes the crystals more compact and ordered. Monitoring the solid concentration and crystal size distribution is facile. That being the case, the choice of complexity of a monitoring technique to be used is contingent on these two steps (Chianese & Kramer, 2012). The non-intrusive monitoring method that has portrayed success in regulating coherence and accuracy in the measuring the crystal size distribution and solid concentration is the Acoustic Emission (AE) technique (Chianese & Kramer, 2012). Basic crystallization mechanisms such as crystal growth, secondary and primary nucleation are susceptible to immaturity leading to undesirable product. Acoustic Emission has been a furtherance to this challenge (Beckman, 2013). Acoustic Emission is an integral of the Process Analytical Technology (PAT) which provides a profound field of collecting reals time process information, diagnose and regulate unit process variations operations and ultimately branch out new visualizations of analyzing and correcting past operations (Chianese & Kramer, 2012). A variety of real time process monitoring has involved application of Acoustic Emission. The energy released by the suspension in which physicochemical changes have been induced by the phase transition occurring during crystallization is the basic concept behind AE monitoring (Bakeev, 2008). This is energy is in the form of acoustic waves which then propagate through the liquid medium (Chianese & Kramer, 2012). Meanwhile, the elastic properties of the dispersed phase change as more crystal particles are being generated. This causes a change in the suspension properties and a relative effect on the acoustic emission caused (Rangaiah & Adrian, 2013). These changes in the acoustic emission effect render a clear configuration of the trend of solid concentration in the underway process (Aslund, 1989). In Situ Sensor Technology has also played a significant role in expunging challenges and validating the measurements of crystallization parameters (Beckman, 2013). The Attenuated Total Reflection-Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) is an in-situ equipment that when bracketed with chemo metrics enables accurate monitoring and precise determination of the solid concentration on the solid concentration in the process (Bakeev, 2008). Polymorphic phase transformation on batch crystallization is systematically monitored through In Situ Spectroscopy (Bakeev, 2008). This technique thus heightens the feasibility of forming polymorphs of desired stability and physicochemical properties (Rangaiah & Adrian, 2013). Satisfactory crystal size distribution has also been arrived at through cord length distribution (CLD) measurements accurately made by the application of another In Situ technique called Focused Beam Reflectance Measurement (FBRM) (Bakeev, 2008). Analysis of the crystal size distribution is made more elementary if the shape of a constituent crystal is known (Rangaiah & Adrian, 2013). The In Situ technology has incorporated this necessity in its collection by creating an appliance that provides video microscopy for shape characterization of a crystal (Beckman, 2013). This appliance is the Process Vision Measurement (PVM) Probe (Bakeev, 2008). PVM installation is often unified with FBRM systems. The online methodologies of monitoring crystal size distribution have displayed great supremacy over cursory monitoring techniques such as Wet...
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