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Woman’s Politics of Resistance Social Sciences Essay (Essay Sample)


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Woman’s Politics of Resistance
In order to properly understand this question it is best to first of all determine the meaning of resistance. From its simple definition, resistance means the act of ignoring or refusing to partake in a something. When you add politics to this you come up with the simple act of resisting certain government acts or policies. A woman’s politics of resistance, therefore will involve three important factors which are resistance to a certain government policy, its brand which is femininity, and the actual women themselves (Hackett, Elizabeth & Hanslanger 230-231).
The phrase what a man can do, a woman can do better has never found a more fitting use than it does when you talk about feminism. When you do away with the topic of gender, you are left with a woman, who like any other man has the ability to take part in almost anything that involves their lives. Just like men, women can chose to be patriots, dissidents, colonialists, nationalists, capitalists and other titles that are found within their social environment (Hackett, Elizabeth & Hanslanger 230-231). However, when you talk about women politics, some few things may come light, the major factor being that they are organized and run by the women themselves. According to their nurturing nature, most of these women’s politics involve movements like Peace campaigns, Food campaigns, Ban on alcohol, Affordable education, and ban on nuclear tests. In these political movements, the women will also tend to involve male allies given their physical role in the society and also on the fact that having a powerful male ally means that their voices can be heard. Some of the reasons given by these women that drive them to take part in these political movements include the following(Hackett, Elizabeth & Hanslanger 230-231):

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