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THIS TASKS COINTAINS THE IMPACTS OF INTERNET AND SOCIAL MEDIA ON THE SOCIETY ESPECIALLY THE ADOLESCENTS . THERE WERE BOTH NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE IMPACTS DISCOVERED ON THIS TASK WHICH INCLUDE: The social media has a lot of information both relevant and irrelevant It enhances emotional development it leads to the issue of cyberbullying and the problem of imposter syndrome. source..
Name Instructor’s Name Course Number Date The impact of social media and the internet Introduction Social Media is associated with being a form related to electronic communication via which individuals create various online related communities with a chief aim of sharing information, personal release message, and ideas. (Strasburger 961) There are a variety of types of social media that exist in the current period of digital transformation. Some of the most prominent social media associated websites are Facebook, WhatsApp, snap chat, Twitter, we what, YouTube and Reddit. The identified sites are approximated to possess more than one hundred million individuals who are considered to be registered users. Social media has come along with various impacts that have significantly changed lives of people especially the adolescents. (DeMarco 14) The consequences are negative and also positive. Researchers carried out by different individuals reveal both negative and positive implications. However, it is vital to understand that the parents are involved in controlling the behaviors that adolescents portray in the social media. In this essay, I will discuss and explain various effects that social media has brought along to the adolescents. Research Conducted Many parents are worried about technology is exposing the teenagers to significant risks due to the art of indirect communication that takes place whenever they are free. The social media has a lot of information both relevant and irrelevant. (Pace 14) During these occasions when they are on their phones or laptops googling about ideas and Intel, sometimes they end up being engaged in annoying things like pornography which causes the art of immorality to develop among the adolescents. This leads to undesirable sexual behaviors, and adolescents end up engaging drug and alcohol abuse. This has increased the number of adolescents involved in contracting HIV/AIDS. (Rosenthal 154) This is saddening has it is killing massive numbers of teens leaving the old population which limits growth and developments in such nations as a society that is characterized by old population has minimal chances of developing. Research reveals that social media has positive impacts on the adolescents in that it enhances the art of communication, interactions, social connection and development of technical skills that are essential in accomplishing the social aspect of lives of individuals. It also enhances emotional development as such social media platforms provide opportunities for the adolescents to connect appropriately with friends and families. (Hossain 2016) Social media enables teens to attain tasks that are vital to them as they exchange ideas with their buddies. Also, their participation and involvement in the social media offer them deeper advantages that are extensive into their perceptions, views about self and the universe. For example, there is fostering of identity associated with an individual, and also their unique skills are shared for example music endeavors. It enhances the growth of various ideas that are engaged through the creation of podcasts, blogs, and videos. Monthly, various researches that have been carried identifying the impact of social media on teens has introduced the art of Facebook depression which newly proposed phenomena that entail adolescents spending a lot of time on the social media (Victor 958). They eventually commence exhibiting some classically associated symptoms related to depression. Acceptance is an important aspect that is related to adolescents and whenever the face ignorance on such social media aisle they end up depressed which can affect their errand in schools and grades become depressed. This is a primary cause of substance abuse, aggressive and also self-destructive mannerism, and unhealthy sexual practices. Furthermore, social media has resulted in the dissemination of information that is useful to adolescents as it helps them access knowledge and gain more insights. (Nabil 2016) Social media is involved in distributing news hence it will make them aware of current affairs on issues like terrorism. It includes security and protection among the adolescents as they can keep safe and avoid the endangered zones. Also, knowledge is necessary in their daily life application, for example, food and nutrition information provides a platform upon which they can eat healthily and grow in a good mannerism. Also, there are other platforms like those involving medical ideas where they access ways of preventing the inevitable disease that is considered to be dangerous. Nonetheless, it allows increased related learning opportunities. Social media I utilized b adolescents to create connections with on another like in homework related group associated projects. (Dian 224) For example, Facebook and other social media related programs allow various individuals to gather outside the classroom setting and collaborate during the exchange of ideas in association with assignments. This has the benefit of reinforcing skills in creativity, several written expressions, and English. Furthermore, accessing health Intel as they can access online information on matters related to their health associated concerns due to the many resources. (De Vries 211) On the other hand, there is the deliberate utility of digital media with the aim of communicating false, hostile and embarrassing Intel that are associated with another individual. Also, sexting has become prominent among the adolescents who are defined as sending, forwarding and receiving of sexually explicit associated messages, immoral photographs and images. Most of this concept is done rapidly hence increasing the art of immorality. This can cause suspension of such adolescents from their respective schools. Also, it leads to the issue of cyberbullying and the problem of imposter syndrome. It comes from the art of indirect communication that comes from such social media. It has made adolescents access the freedom of being cruel easily. (Rosenthal 151) It is because it is easier for such youths to text all sort of words that are associated with being harsh and rude than they can do on a personal basis. It is very rampant among the girls who in a real sense do not over disagreeing in re...
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