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Please outline the understanding of the different factors that can impact on the development of children and adolescents. Please include the following points: 1. Parental capacity 2. Environment (mico and marco 3. Poverty 4. No access to education 5. PTSD 6. Significant harm 7. Lack of parents 8. Poor diet 9. Lack of secure environment 10. Lack of consistency 11. Lack of emotional stability 12. Anxiety, poor sleep, flashbacks, missing family, feeling isolated. source..
Different factors that can impact on the development of children and adolescents. Introduction To create surroundings that are caring and supportive, it is essential to understand the various aspects that may have an impact on children's and teenagers' development. A child's development and well-being are greatly influenced by a variety of factors, including parental ability, the micro and macro environment, poverty, lack of access to education, PTSD, severe harm, the absence of parents, a poor diet, a secure environment, lack of consistency, lack of emotional stability, and various emotional and psychological factors. We can support children and adolescents in their development more effectively by recognizing and addressing these issues. 1. Parental Capacity Blake-Holmes, K. (2020) holds that the ability of parents or other caregivers to meet the physical, emotional, and psychological needs of kids and teenagers is referred to as parental capacity. In terms of their general growth, it is essential. Several elements that may have an effect on kids and teenagers fall under the umbrella of parental capacity. First and foremost, the nature of the relationship between the parent and kid is crucial because it affects attachment, communication, and emotional support. Second, Hung, J. (2022) believes that parental support for a child's academic and extracurricular endeavors encourages intellectual and social growth. Thirdly, fostering physical and emotional well-being involves creating a secure and supportive atmosphere. Self-control and social skills are also developed thanks to parents' ability to enforce rules consistently and set clear boundaries. The final factor that might affect a child's emotional and psychological development is the mental health of their parents, particularly their degree of stress and coping mechanisms. Overall, parental ability has a big impact on how effectively kids and teens develop and behave. 2. Environment (mico and marco ) The environment in which children and adolescents grow and develop is one of several elements that affect their development. Wong et al., 2023 hold that the macroenvironment and the microenvironment are two main groups into which these environmental influences can be divided. The term "microenvironment" refers to the immediate surroundings and social interactions that have a daily impact on a child or adolescent. Important elements of the microenvironment include: a. Family: A child's growth is greatly influenced by the family. A child's development can be strongly impacted by elements like parenting style, family dynamics, socioeconomic situation, and the availability or absence of support. b. Peers: Children and teenagers are greatly influenced by their interactions with peers and friends. Peer relationships can influence how people socialize, feel emotionally, and learn social skills. c. School: A child's intellectual, social, and emotional development can be influenced by their school environment, which includes the standard of instruction, connections with instructors and peers, and the availability of extracurricular activities. d. Neighborhood and Community: A child's development can be impacted by the neighborhood's physical environment, safety, accessibility to services, social support networks, and exposure to crime or violence. Macroenvironment: This term refers to broader socioeconomic and cultural elements that have an unintentional impact on a child's development. These elements consist of: A child's access to resources, opportunities, and general well-being can be impacted by socioeconomic factors, such as income, education, and employment of parents or other caregivers. a. Cultural Factors: Cultural values, beliefs, traditions, and conventions have an impact on how children form their identities, interact with others, and comprehend the world. c. Media and Technology: Children and teenagers are significantly impacted by the media, which includes television, movies, the internet, and social media. Their attitudes, behaviors, and cognitive development can all be influenced by exposure to various media content. d. Government Laws and Policies: The laws and regulations put in place by the government in the areas of education, health care, child welfare, and social welfare can have a big impact on how children develop. e. Economic Situation: A child's general well-being, access to resources, and chances for development can be impacted by economic problems such poverty, unemployment, and economic instability. It is critical to understand how frequently these elements interact and have an impact on one another. Understanding these aspects can assist in creating supportive and nurturing conditions for children's optimal development. A child's development is a complicated interplay between their genetic predispositions and the environment in which they grow. 3. Poverty Children's and adolescents' development can be severely impacted by poverty. According to Tzenios, N. (2019), access to necessary resources, such as wholesome food, high-quality healthcare, and educational opportunities, can be hampered by economic hardship. Lack of resources may lead to subpar housing situations, elevated stress levels, and restricted access to safe places, all of which can have a severe impact on a child's physical and emotional health. Because parents may be distracted with financial difficulties, lengthy workdays, or numerous jobs, poverty is frequently correlated with decreased parental participation. This lack of parental involvement may obstruct a child's cognitive and socioemotional development, impairing academic performance, lowering self-esteem, and limiting social abilities. In addition, children who live in deprived areas are more likely to experience violence, crime, and drug misuse, which increases their chance of experiencing developmental difficulties, behavioral issues, and poor mental health. Overall, poverty provides a difficult environment that can seriously impede children's and teenagers' ability to develop to their full potential. 4. No access to Education The development of children and adolescents can be substantially impacted by lack of access to education. It restricts their possibilities, stunts their development on the cognitive, social, and emotional levels, and it keeps them trapped in poverty. Education gives people the necessary knowledge, abilities, and opportunities for personal and professional development, allowing them to realize their full potential and make a positive contribution to society. 5. PTSD The development of children and adolescents can be profoundly impacted by post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a mental health disease. It happens after going through or witnessing a traumatic incident like physical or sexual abuse, a natural disaster, or acts of violence. Zhen, Yao, and Zhou, (2022) argue that the emotional, cognitive, and social development of a kid can all be hampered by PTSD. The symptoms can include intrusive thoughts, hyperarousal, nightmares, flashbacks, avoiding reminders, and intrusive thoughts. These symptoms can hamper the development of healthy relationships as well as concentration, memory, and academic achievement. Untreated PTSD can also result in long-term side effects like despair, anxiety disorders, substance misuse, and issues with impulse control. To lessen the effects of PTSD on a child's development, early detection, adequate support, and evidence-based treatments are essential. 6. Significant Harm Actions or occurrences that have a significant negative impact on children's and teenagers' development are referred to as significant damage. This might involve neglect, exposure to violence, substance addiction, family dysfunction, impoverishment, discrimination, and trauma. It can also include physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Such encounters may impair their emotional stability, social skills, cognitive function, and overall well-being. 7. Lack of Parents The development of kids and teenagers can be significantly impacted by parental absence. Wang, Huebner, and Tian, (2021) believe that children may struggle with their emotional health, self-esteem, academic performance, and social skills in the absence of parental direction, emotional support, and monitoring. Additionally, it can raise the chance of participating in dangerous behavior and suffering negative consequences later in life. 8. Poor Diet Children and teenagers' development can be significantly impacted by poor eating. Lack of vital vitamins, minerals, and nutrients can stunt physical development, compromise the immune system, and impede cognitive progress. Malnutrition and deficiencies can result from a diet that is inadequate in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins. On the other hand, a diet rich in processed foods, sweets, and bad fats can cause behavioral issues, chronic diseases, and obesity. 9. Lack of secure environment The growth of children and adolescents can be significantly impacted by the absence of a safe environment. Children's emotional, cognitive, and social development might be hampered when they don't feel safe and comfortable in their surroundings.According to Verhaar, Matthewson and Bentley, (2022) Trauma, increased stress, and anxiety can result from living in unstable or violent environments or from being subjected to abuse or neglect. Their capacity to establish secure bonds,...
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