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Reasons against death penalty (Essay Sample)

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Against death penalty Death penalty is a sentence that is imposed on those who are found guilty to have committed murder and other capital offenses. There following are the reasons why I oppose death penalty: Execution of innocent – An innocent is put to death. This can so happen because the innocent individual do not have experience attorney who can argue well but instead had an inexperience attorney who did not argue well, Van den Haag, E., & Conrad, J. P. (2013). This actually makes it hard as there will be no impact. This is because most of the offenders who commit serious crimes bribe and get their way out and this will make them continue with their acts. For example when one commits a crime of robbery with violence and hire a competitive attorney who will even go ahead and bribe the judge thus escaping any sentence Retribution is wrong – It is very wrong to actually to take a life for a death life. It is not practical to teach that killing is wrong by killing. Deterrence – death penalty has been there since. This no evidence to prove than executing offenders is better than placing them to server in prison for longer period. High cost of death penalty – It actually costs a lot the taxpayers when an individual is executed than keeping that person in prison for life. Capital sentencing is unfair – There is substantial evidence to actually show the disparity of sentences which are passed in court. Death penalty punishes the poor – Those who are mostly executed are the poor since in most cases they can manage to hire private attorneys who are always very competitive since they know that after winning a case on their client, they will be paid heavily. There is no evidence to prove that death penalty is effective – Death penalty has been there and there is no evidence that shows that it deters crime. Donohue III, J. J., & Wolfers, J. (2006). When those who commit serious crimes such as murder and are sentence to death penalty, others still commit the same crime of killing others. There is no equal application of death sentence between higher and lower class. The lower class is the ones who are mostly sentence to death penalty even if there is no substantial evidence. The Blacks in America are mostly sentenced to death penalty as compared to White Americans making it hard to act as deterrence. Death penalty has been there since but no evidence to prove it is effective to deter serious crimes – people continue to commit crimes des...
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