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Mathematics & Economics
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Solution to how much a couple should invest (Math Problem Sample)

The question asked for a solution to determine how much the couple should invest in Certificates of Deposit (CDs) yielding 6% and AA bonds yielding 11% to realize a total income of $15,600 per year. The solution provided calculated that they should invest $40,000 in CDs and $120,000 in AA bonds to achieve this income goal. source..
Solution Let X= amount invested in Certificates of Deposit(6% per annum) Let Y= amount invested in AA bonds (11% per annum) Generate these 2 equations; 1 X + Y= $160,000 ( total amount they have to invest) 2 6%X (0.06X) + 11%Y (0.11Y) = $ 15,600 ( total income they want to realize) Using Elimination Method Let's find the value of X from the equations X= 160,000-Y Substituting this value of X in the second equation 0.06($160,000 - Y) + 0.11Y = $15,600. Now, lets find Y; 0.06 * $160,000 - 0.06Y + 0.11Y = $15,600. $9,600 + 0.05Y = $15,600. 0.05Y = $15,600 - $9,600 0.05Y = $6,000. Y = $6,000 / 0.05. Y = $120,0...
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