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Computation of Algebraic Expressions (Math Problem Sample)


Algebraic calculations


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Algebra Calculation
Question 1. Find the value of (7-6.35)÷6.5+9.9(1.2÷36+1.2÷0.25-1516)÷16924
Firstly, solve the numerator of the expression by using BODMAS: (7-6.35)÷6.5+9.9
Bracket; (7-6.35)= 0.65
Division; 0.65÷6.5=0.656.5, 6.5 goes to 0.65, 0.1 times.
Addition; 0.1+ 9.9=1.0
The value of the numerator is 1.0
Secondly, solve the denominator of the expression by using BODMAS

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