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Describe The Relationship Between A Triangles Centroid And Orthocenter (Multiple Choice Questions Sample)
the task was to Describe the relationship between a triangle's centroid and orthocenter
Centroid and Orthocenter
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Centroid and Orthocenter
1 Describe the relationship between a triangle’s centroid and orthocenter. Do they need to be inside the triangle?
A triangles mass center has been termed as centroid by most mathematicians. At this point, you will find that the triangle is going to balance. This is normally determined by the mass of the triangle exerted on the sides. According to a mathematician called Archimedes, he said that the centroid of a triangle is the point at which the medians are concurrent (Johnson, 1990). An orthocenter of a circle is determined by drawing a perpendicular line from each corner. The point at which the lines intersect is therefore referred to as the orthocenter of the triangle. The orthocenter acts like the circumcenter. That is, it does not has to be inside the triangle. Example can be seen on triangles that are obtuse. Additionally, at the vertex of the right triangle is where the orthocenter is found. Unlike the orthocenter, the centroid should always fall inside the triangle as it is the balancing point of the mass of the triangle.
According to Euler’s line, the orthocenter, the centroid, and the circumference lie on the same line and are said to be collinear. Therefore, from this line the point that lies between the or...
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