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12 Sources
Business & Marketing
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Contemporary Issues in Managing Workforce (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


This task was a Human Resource assignment that required the writer to choose and answer four out of seven questions on contemporary issues in workforce management. Question 3 addressed the benefits of organizational commitment to a diverse and inclusive workforce; Question 4 addressed the pros and cons of diversity recruitment campaigns; Question 5 discussed the reasons why women are underrepresented in senior leadership positions, and; Question 7 addressed the measures management can take to reduce resistance to diversity in their organizations.


Contemporary Issues in Managing Workforce
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Contemporary Issues in Managing Workforce
Question 3
An organization should be committed to workforce diversity and inclusivity to realize the potential benefits of an inclusive workforce. Diversity and inclusivity precipitates organizational change, which has significant implications for organizational performance. Organizations that maximize inclusion and manage resistance have greater scope for creating change that facilitates the realization of the full potential of its workforce (Stevens 2008).
An all-inclusive approach to human resource management allows minority employees to feel respected and included in the running of the organization, a phenomenon which decreases conflicts and resistance (Stevens, 2008). It fosters feelings of inclusion and respect by minorities towards others. The product of inclusion is, therefore, an environment that promotes trust, commitment, motivation, and satisfaction among minorities and non-minorities alike. 

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