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The Steps Undertaken by the Airline industry Since the 9/11 Incidence (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


9/11: A Significant Historical Event


9/11: A Significant Historical Event
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Taylor, A. B. (2003). The Evolution of the Airline Security since 9/11. IFPO. Retrieved on 30th
September 2015 from
This article is a discussion on the steps undertaken by the Airline industry since the 9/11 incidence. It opens up on the specific guidelines used including the fact that multinational airlines are opting to engage the help of private security firms to upgrade their security systems. The article helps one to understand the responses adopted to stem the possibility of a similar recurrence.
Fox, M. (2013). The PATRIOT Act: Liberty Afire. THEMIS: Research Journal of Justice Studies
and Forensic Science. 1 (3). 21-33. Retrieved on 30th September from
This journal reviews The PATRIOT Act that was passed into law six weeks after 9/11. It gave the Federal and state agencies more powers over Americans privacy in an attempt to forestall probable attacks. The journal discusses, in accurate terms, the types of checks and balances that that the Act brought into existence. Nonetheless, some of the sections of the Act met a lot of rebellion because of what was perceived as being set backs to democracy.
Whitaker, R. (2003). Keeping Up with the Neighbors-Canadian Responses to 9/11 in Historical
and Comparative Context. Osgood Hall Law Journal. 41(5). 242-264. Retrieved on 30th September 2015 from
The journal discusses some of the security measures that Canada has undertaken in response to the security-related activities in the USA. The nation responded to 9/11 attacks on its neighbor by upgrading its security measures. Apparently, the 9/11 incident did not affect the USA alone. It helps one to understand how the world responded to the 9/11 attacks especially where the nations were close allies of the USA.
Charters, D. A. (2007). 9/11: Seven Years into History. The Journal of conflict Studies. Retrieved
on 30th September 2015 from
It makes quality research efforts into the probable implications of the 9/11 attack and how it might have the affected lives of the Americans. The writer recounts on the actions undertaken by the USA including the retaliatory attacks on Afghanistan and attacks Iraqi. The writer helps the reader to comprehend the subsequent actions of the USA. From then henceforth, USA was engaged in military actions against terrorist whenever the lives of its citizens were threatened.
Jackson, O. A. (2008). The Impact of the 9/11 Attacks on the US Economy. Retrieved on 30th
September 2015 from
Jackson engages his readers on the impacts that the 9/11 event had on the economy. It opens up on the effects of the incident in monetary terms showing how the USA and world economies slumped. Thousands of jobs were lost and capital markets registered unprecedented large drops in share values. It also touches on the financial burden of the subsequent retaliatory attacks on countries in the Middle East.
Disha, I., James, C., and Ryan, D. (2011). Historical Events and Spaces of Hate: Hate Crimes
against Arabs and Muslims in Post-9/11 America: University of California Press. JSTOR. 58 (1). 21-46.
In the journal, insights are made into the possible changes in perceptions of the Americans towards the Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East. These transformations were evident from the way the media ran coverage of the incident to the consequent campaigns conducted by the US governments to drum up support for the foreign missions. It helps one to understand how the views of the USA citizens had changed. Unlike any time before, Americans gave more support to government initiatives in the Middle East.
Roberts, B. W. (2009). The Macroeconomic Impacts of the 9/11 Attack: Evidence from Real-
Time Forecasting. Retrieved on 30th September 2015 from
In this article, Roberts brings a different perspective. He explains the impact that the 9/11 event had on the macro-economic blueprints of the Federal government. He talks at length about the specific responses and adjustments done by the Federal government to ensure that proper mechanisms are adopted.
Mikulaschek, C., Shapiro, J. N. (2015). Lessons from America Post-9/11. Retrieved on 30th
September 2015 from
The article talks about political lessons derived from the 9/11. It talks at length on the reasons that led to Britain and allied forces to join the USA. The researchers show how common interests came into play after the threats from the terror groups became imminent.
Griffin, R. D. (2010). Did 9/11 Justify the War in Afghanistan: Using the McCh...
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