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Diabetes as a Chronic Disease (Other (Not Listed) Sample)
Read through the paper and produce a 1-2 paragraph summary or abstract.
Diabetes as a Chronic Disease
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The human body hosts an extensive variety of microbial communities from which the immune system protects us, And that are significant for the proper development of the immune system and the maintenance of healthy tissues and physiological processes.
This microbiota influences processes ranging from digestion to behaviour, and it is increasingly being appreciated as a fundamental and necessary component of our physiology.
The innate and adaptive arms of the immune system in normally charged with maintaining a healthy relationship with this microbiota, and they are, in fact, substantially shaped by the presence of commensal microorganisms.
The term ‘mycobiota’ is used to refer to this fungal component just as the body is host to diverse populations of bacteria that contribute to health and pathology, so too is the body host to diverse populations of fungi that haven widely studied. Commensal fungal populations vary between body sites and probably also vary over time and with the disease. It will be motivating in coming years to learn more about how the immune system specifically ...
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