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Religion & Theology
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Religion: Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam Views (Other (Not Listed) Sample)
Religion Themes
Religion Themes
Religion has wide teachings from Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam views. Phillip Novak brings the story of the World’s Wisdom which explains the different ways in which religion has transformed how people behave in their societies. The themes that come from his narration include sacrifice, compassion, non-attachment, transformations to enlightenments. These themes as expressed in the world wisdom are also a reflection of our lives. In this paper is an analysis of how we show these topics in our daily lives and their relationship with The Story of the Jumping Mouse.
Religion comes with the need of sacrifice. People, on various occasions find it difficult to understand the meaning of sacrifice. From the existence of our religion to the implementation of the doctrine therein, people must sacrifice a few things. Originally, the world had several religious groups (Novak, 2011). Most of these religious groups disappeared because the people could not sacrifice their time and energy to ensure they grew. From the story of the jumping mouse, we notice that we should also keep ourselves in the paradigm of religious development by our sacrifices (Martin, 1970). We sacrifice to do better for people and ourselves. It defines us as individuals who are willing to reach put to others and care for their interests by leaving ours.
Christians must have the compassion that is needed to succeed in the works of a Christian. To achieve in daily religious life, we need to be compassionate about what we d and how we do them. For the compassionate person, they have a strong magnet of love that draws them towards doing what is good to themselves. It leads to a long time happiness in one’s religious life because of its impacts. The emotions of shared sufferings between people are part of our mandate for a quiet stay in our society (Novak, 2011). The rise of this will come through empathy and our desire to act on what we see and experience together with others will lead to the fulfillment of them as right or bad. Or daily lives would be similar to the story of the jumping mouse as it shows what we could struggle in hardships with our friends for some achievement.
Human beings apart to be attached to several things around them. Some of these things portray us as not able to live a free life that is far from any external pressures. Once we have external pressure from other people, we will have to oblige to what they would demand and want from us (Martin, 1970). Personally, I have had attachments to other people like friends in class who do sway me into who tend to have an easy time persuading me. Some of these people are not active religious believers. They end up being in control of some aspects of my life. My desire to live a spiritual life at times is compromised (Novak, 2011). It leads to a conclusion that people should practice their ways of lives which are free from any attachments to other forces. Such forces tend to take control of people and influence the results of their actions.
The process of transformation is slow but determined. It comes when some beliefs and teachings can twist our subjective beliefs. For an individual to be transformed, he/she must be able to understand three major things; what he/she is doing, what another person is doing and what is desired. From these, one will be able to understand whether they are doing the right thing. The answer to such a soul search ill forces a transformation, either way, to do what is required or help another person do what is necessary (Martin, 1970). It takes time to help another person transform or o be transformed by what somebody is doing. They will have to be enlightened on what to do and the effect of their actions. Transformation cannot come quickly without somebody getting enlighten. That explains why the two go hand in hand. Enlightening someone means giving them enough information and ability to understand some few aspects or teachings. People are never at the same level of achievements as others (Martin, 1970). Once somebody is convinced on what they are to do, they will be able to work out through the right ways to acquire knowledge.
Our lives represent that of the jumping mouse in some aspects. We have the ability to understand what we need to do and why we need to do them. Just like...
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