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Modern Braking Systems Technology Research Assignment (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


Modern ABS Braking SYSTEm


Modern Braking Systems
Modern Braking Systems
The spectacular development that has taken in the last century transportation. In particular, the automotive world has led to the creation and development of a new lifestyle in society. It has become almost indispensable for people that automotive provides high mobility, convenience, speed and many other advantages that would be unthinkable few years ago. All this refers to the positive aspects of the car. However, they have appeared negative aspects such as high number of fatalities and injuries that occur every day in traffic accidents on roads around the world. Solving this problem involves improving many and varied aspects. One of them is undoubtedly the braking process. Current modern automotive is equipped with braking systems very good performance, even at high speeds. But even the best braking system can prevent the driver abruptly brake pedal in certain situations road or in times of stress and panic. In many of these emergencies or because the condition of the road is not the most appropriate (rain, snow, mud, etc.) which results in locking the wheels. The wheel lock is a critical situation as it limits the ability of control of the car by the driver. The car may skid, lose stability, increase the stopping distance in seconds. One must try not to be in such situations and proper mechanisms like anti-lock braking system have been devised and developed (Tur,, 2007). This will be the topic that will be addressed in this paper. The antilock braking system has also been referred as ABS system. First we study the causes of the problems faced by conventional brakes which led to the evolution of ABS system.
Evolution of ABS Break system
The anti-lock braking system is a relatively recent technology that was introduced with the advancement of electronics. Until about ten or fifteen years ago, ABS technology was not marketed in individual cars. However, during the last 10 years ABS system has had a boom and has been an important innovation in the automotive world. With the revolution of electronics began to make the first systems ABS. The systems have eventually become a fixture of standard equipment on many of market cars.
The need to devise a system with anti-lock braking device has its origins back in 1930. Back then, there were cars that had exceeded the mythical barrier of 100 km/h. At that time, they realized the dangers supposed to lock the wheels. However, their attempts to devise something about it were in vain as existing technology was not enough to fix it. For about 20 years (1950-1970), the work done in this important area of ​​safety was quite variable and sporadic. A noteworthy event was the first attempt to adapt the idea to aircraft by Dunlop in 1952.
In the same period, the DGT observed US need to improve the braking system of commercial vehicles. Therefore, the ABS was forced in a transport sector skeptical and unprepared. The present antilock braking system was initiated in 1985 and was the ABS Teves. In the same year, the Ford Scorpio already had ABS in series. ABS became affordable in 1990s for majority of the users. Presently, the ABS has become an essential component of all vehicles.
ABS Basic operating principle
The braking of a car basically refers to two aspects. The first is to progressively reduce the vehicle speed. The second is to keep it immobilized when stopped. Since the issue to analyze is the brake system Antilock, we will refer only to the first definition of braking which is to gradually decrease the speed of the vehicle. Vehicle movement through the existing friction force is achieved between the ground and the wheels (Gao & Ehsani, 2001). This friction is carried through the transmission elements by the vehicle engine. So, the movement of the ring wheels is achieved by applying an effort that contains in its rotation. This action is achieved by a shoe rubbing on a drum (drum brake) or of a platelet against a disk (disk brake). The kinetic energy is converted that has all the moving vehicle into heat energy that interacts with the atmosphere as irradiation.
The conventional braking device comprises of a control system, one effort transmission circuit and a brake itself. The control system is activated by the driver through the pedal. The transmission circuit effort consists of the elements that link the control system with brake, pump, brake booster and pipes (Kiencke, 2000). This circuit is functionally assembled by a mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electric, or combination of means. Any break system must possess qualities such as stability, escalation and effectiveness. Conventional braking systems were designed so that the forces applied to each of the wheels are always lower than those of adherence of the tire with the ground (Happian, 2001). This was done in order to achieve the greatest possible effectiveness of the brakes and get the lowest stopping distance. However, in certain circumstances such as gear, imminent danger, the tire grip decreases with soil so that for a little force braking. This was also true when the state of the road is not most appropriate such as rain, ice, snow, hail, mud, gravel. To avoid such situations, brake systems were developed with device Antilock components.
The function exercised by the ABS system is to meter the braking effort adapting to the conditions of adhesion in each of the wheels. This system allows the driver to stop the vehicle in a stable way. Before an emergency braking, antilock system achieves the best control relationship through steering, vehicle stability and stopping distance. The evolution of ABS systems revolutionized the braking system as it offered various benefits such as increased efficiency, improved stability and more progressive brakes. The efficiency is increased as stopping the vehicle is achieved at less time and smaller distance.
Working of Other Safety Control Systems with ABS and Contribution towards Safety
ABS has to interact with number of other control systems in order to ensure full safety of the vehicle. For instance, in systems with ABS braking speed, a sensor type is used as an Inductor. This is placed against a ring gear that rotates with the wheel. The sensor is formed by a permanent magnet and coil. This is further connected to the electronic computer. In addition, the magnet creates a magnetic flux that is affected by the passage of the teeth. This results in the generation of voltage in square waveform. The frequency of the voltage is proportional to wheel spin.
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