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U2 Research Project: Windows PowerShell (Other (Not Listed) Sample)
Write an overview of *any two* of the following topics. Each overview should be between one half and one full page long. You should use a minimum of two sources for each overview; make sure to read and consider the information in your textbook about the topic. Each overview should give a general understanding of the topic, the function it provides, when it would be used, what benefit it provides, and any other relevant information.
U2 Research Project
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Windows PowerShell
Windows PowerShell is a .NET-based framework from Microsoft that is used for automating and configuring management tasks. It is essentially a replacement for command prompt and VBScript. It comprises a command-line shell with accompanying scripting language. Some of the functions of PowerShell include accessing USB devices installed on multiple computers within one network, running time-consuming tasks in the background, and terminating programs that may take long to respond. It can also be used to find specific information from other computers in one network (Wilson, 2013).
Windows PowerShell is used in administrative roles that require the elimination of repetitive tasks, which are tedious to carry out on several computers. The program allows users to automate and simplify tiresome and repetitive tasks through the creation of scripts and combination of multiple commands. PowerShell is beneficial because it displays useful information that may not be available on a typical user interface. It is also helpful because it can accomplish mundane tasks quickly (Wilson, 2013).
Security Configuration Wizard
Security Configuration Wizard (SCW) is a wizard that enables a computer administrator to create security policies in Windows. The security policy created is typically an XML file; it configures network security, services, audit policy, and specific registry values. Because SCW is a role-based tool, consumers can use it to create policies that enable firewall rules, services, and customized settings that can allow selected servers to perform specific roles. For instance, it can function as a domain controller (Garfias, 2005).
There are four major benefits of using SCW. First, it has advanced security features that enhance the functionality of Windows firewall. Second, it disables unnecessary...
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