Permanent Sovereignty Over Natural Resources Law Paper (Other (Not Listed) Sample)
review of states' sovereignty over natural resources as guided by UN developed treaties
Permanent Sovereignty Over Natural Resources
The Chilean delegation first raised the principle of permanent sovereignty over natural resources during the draft of International Covenants on Human Rights. The General Resolution 1803(xvii), a United Nations charter, assigns inalienable, permanent sovereignty to a state on controlling its natural resources and wealth for the benefit of her people. Oils and gases are naturally occurring resources subject to this resolution. Resolution 3171(xxviii) underscores this control by declaring it an indispensable element to such sovereignty of a state, be it resolute measures to regain control of such resources. Under the resolutions, state’s control of its natural resources is inherent and inalienable. The principle of permanent sovereignty is dominantly found in several international instruments. Fueled by the spirit of international cooperation, the UNGA Resolution was formed in 1952 under the General Assembly Resolution 626 (viii).[Schrijver N, Fifty Years Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources. In Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources (Springer 2015) 15-28.] [] [ibid] [Ibid 2]