Ethics and its contribution to understanding web metrics (Other (Not Listed) Sample)
THe paper is about ethics in understanding the web metrics
Ethics and its contribution to understanding web metrics
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Ethics; Ethics refers to a set of principles and morals that guide an individual behavior on what to do whether bad or good. Ethics are applied in various field in our day to day life such as workplaces, schools, businesses, and religion, public administrations and in hospitals. Application of ethics in these fields involve control of behavior that in turns can be considered good manners, this is by practicing ethical behaviors such as respect to other people and their property, practicing honesty, trustworthiness, honesty, fairness, being concerned with others and also being responsible for any given duty. Ethics determines how an individual make a decision in everyday activities as well as helping a person to carry out his or her daily activities under minimal supervision. Ethics also aid in reducing risks in many fields since accountability is highly adhered by an individual responsible for a given task. The following are the roles of ethics and how they are applied to the real-world case study.[Brian, Hurn, J. "Ethics in international business." Industrial and commercial training 40, no. 7 (2008): 347-354.]
Focusing on the real world situations, ethics which is also referred as philosophy always involves philosophical study in systematizing, recommending as well as defending the concept of the conduct of something which is right as well as which is wrong. Ethics, on the other hand, involves a broader knowledge gained in philosophy; however, other small parts of philosophy such as axiology which is also involved in the study. Ethics also defines concepts such as good and evil by engaging in resolving human morality questions. Other concepts which are solved by ethics are virtue and vice, crime and justice. In addition, ethics as a form of philosophy involves a study that revolved around moral philosophy, value theory and descriptive ethics which in turn leads to the major area where ethics are recognized in the world of today. These areas are;
Normative Ethics; These refer to the area of philosophy that involves practical means of determining a moral cause of a given action, whether positive or negative.
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