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Evaluating Correspondence: Manager, Bass Electronics Shop (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


I was to write evaluate a correspondence provided in additional article by responding to three key questions.

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Evaluating Correspondence
Question Three: Adjustment Letter
The Manager, Bass Electronics Shop, Route 136, Lynchburg, TN16690.
Mr. Kevin Green, Route 578, Lynchburg, TN127U6.
Dear Sir,
RE: Sales Inquiry
The company has received your claim with regard to the sale of an electronic item you transacted with the institution more than five weeks ago. Kindly note the promise was to pay the difference that arises from any sale value whose competing tags in other shops are less than one month. However, the claim refers to our competitor’s price, which should be five weeks after you completed the purchase from our shop (Alley 239). Therefore, we regret that we will not refund the requested amount based on the fact. Nevertheless, the company wishes to offer you a 4GB USB drive at $9.95.
Thanks for your understanding.
Yours faithfully,
Question Four: Claim and Adjustment Letters
The writer of the claim letter has been considerably brief and precise. The message seems too casual. Moreover, the taping of the fly is an unprofessional gesture. On the other hand, the adjustment letter is quite efficient and well structured. The latter informs any reader about the strict process the products are processed and excludes any doubts that there could be a fly in the tuna. Furthermore, the letter also shows good marketing care since the company has offered the complainant free cans of the same product (Alley 240). Thus, the writer of the adjustment letter, besides his professional comm...
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