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Improved Medical Technology Leads to Better Overall Health (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


To Compare and contrast Improved Medical Technology Leads to Better Overall Health from two different sources.

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Improved Medical Technology
Advancements in the technology have frequently given the healthcare professions a better chance to evaluate and prescribe medication to their patients since the dawn of the advanced medical practices. It is with the help of the countless efforts in the development in the medical field that many lives have been rescued, and the quality of life improves with time.
According to the article by Esmail and Wrona, the advancements have played a key factor in the industry as well as in the personal lives of individuals. Healthcare is one of the important areas where the technology has played a significant role. The rise in the use of the “Electronic Medical Records” and the mobile technologies has made it possible for the physicians and the patients to share important information easily (Esmail and Wrona, 23). The medical technology has evolved from the introduction of the new equipment to the doctors to connecting the patients with their doctors’ miles away from the health facility through the use of the mobile technologies. The patients can today engage in video conferencing with their physicians saving them time and money that is usually spent on the transportation to the health facility premises (Lara, et al., 41).
The Journal of Public Economics suggests that the improvement of the health as a result of the advancing technology can be proven in the medical research. Scientists are always on the lookout searching for new advanced techniques that can be used in controlling and preventing diseases using the advanced medical machineries. Today, the science departments can assess the situation and evaluate the situation producing the vaccines and treatment for diseases. The vaccines against life-threatening diseases have also been researched via the advanced technology platform (Freedman and Simon, n.p).
It is thus clear that the improved medical technology has led to a better health in general. Health advancements have been seen from the medical laboratory tests to the research in general. All these have been m...
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