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Security Risk Assessment. Elements of Security Risk Assessment. (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


the instructions required the writer to answer a few questions on Security Risk Assessment. The sample in MLA answered all the questions by coming up with subtitles instead of re-stating the questions.


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Security Risk Assessment
A security risk assessment is a procedure conducted on businesses and other establishments to evaluate, detect and adjust the entities’ security position. With the current technological advancement, risk assessment enables organizational IT specialists and leaders to view the business from a hacker’s angle (Tweneboah-Koduah and William 3). Therefore, the system allows an organizations to attain control and enhance the firm’s security posture, expand hardware and software devices to boost protection from external threats.
Elements of Security Risk Assessment
Overall, security risk assessment entails recognizing IT assets, risks, and exposures in a business. The procedure also involves determining the likelihood of a vulnerability and the impact of the threat. Primarily, the fundamental elements of security risk assessment are;

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