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Granting Summary Judgement and The Natural Law Theory (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


1. How did the court in Savino determine whether granting summary judgment is proper?
2. What cases did the court use as precedent in this decision?
3. What legal theories are identified? How are these theories explained?
The cases that that court used as precedent was Nabozny v. Barnhill (1975), 31Ill, App. 3d 212. For Nabozny, the plaintiff was known to be the goalkeeper who was playing as a teenage soccer league whereas the defendant was regarded as a forward from an opposing team. The rules of the game forbid the players in having contact with the goalkeeper with him being in possession with the ball at the penalty area.


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Qstn 1: How did the court in Savino determine whether granting summary judgment is proper?
Granting summary judgement is suitable in an event of depositions, pleadings, and affidavits reveal no presence of a legit issue of material facts whereas moving parties are entitled to prejudice as an issue of law. 

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