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Advisory memo. ETHICS ADVISORY. Life Sciences Assignment. (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


an andvisory memo


* Background
The memo is in response to the recent events in the Fete du Soleil cruises company. The company faces a financial and ethical crisis after the purchase of three used boats. After scrutinizing the boats, they were found to have a significant amount of asbestos, which is highly toxic. Due to health concerns, the material should be removed from the boats. The cost of removing the materials in the united states is $120 million. However, due to budgetary constraints, the Fete du Soleil opted to contract a Novatopian company for $70 million. The problem with Novatopia is that they do not adhere to strict regulations as in the US and violate multiple labor rules. The incident to contract the Novatopian company has raised negative feedback from Greenpeace and other regulators, putting the company at risk of fines. In this memo, the ethical considerations, consequences, and recommendations will be discussed.
* Ethical Considerations
The company has the following ethical considerations to the people of Novatopia;
1 The company has an ethical obligation to prevent Novatiopian workers from contact with asbestos. Workers in Novatiopia lack sufficient equipment and protection to ensure that they will safely remove the asbestos. The workers should also be subject to decent working conditions and pay.
2 The company has an ethical obligation to protect children from forced labor. Novatopian companies use underage children to work in these unsafe conditions. The company should ensure that legal adults are employed in the project.
3 The company has an ethical obligation to protect the environment. As much as the company is looking to remove the asbestos from the boats, it should ensure proper disposal that does not adversely impact the surrounding environment.

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