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Organic Chemistry (Other (Not Listed) Sample)
Answering advanced organic chemistry questions by drawing the structures and the reactions sequences
Organic chemistry
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Organic chemistry
Question 3.1
175196521621750015716252305050O00O1410335214376000121856521431250010382252305050O00O819785214312500618490214312500342900214312600152400214312500-104775214312500-2667002143125003742690847725Cl00Cl3543300101854000320992510287000029432251028700003209925762000003209925-352425002771775-95251456690247650Cl-00Cl-1266190246380+00+1466850-114300O00O762000800100O00O13525505778500-1047751905010085725190500003429003714750094297532385000342900-114299001095375-11429900523875-123825 C). b)
Question 3.7
* The reactants should be heated gently in sulfuric acid and the product distilled off immediately to shift the equilibrium to the products side.
* The ortho-alkyl groups are bulky groups that should be taken into consideration while considering the reagent. If the incoming reagent is also as bulky there would be steric hindrance of the reagent to access the reaction site.
* A linear, shorter and smaller reactant should be considered
10001252701290The reaction should be carried in presence of an acid catalyst that favors thiol formation because hydrogen sulphide is more acidic compared to water.The reaction should be carried in presence of an acid catalyst that favors thiol formation because hydrogen sulphide is more acidic compared to water.21113751202055In presence of acidified catalystIn presence of acidified catalyst2834640832485H2SH2S24479251177290450532526670847725110490d)
The reaction should be carried in presence of an acid catalyst that favors thiol formation because hydrogen sulfide is more acidic compared to water.
638492529686256395085289750565163702769870NN6337935293306562287152633980622363523996656000115239966557715152405380557593523507705537835239966550533302399665530923523507705080635262826557918351457960SOCl2SOCl2565721510737856287770801370NH2NH261093359645656000115665480599503543116557715154311655542915436880534733538227053092354311654824730431165508063538227048520356597654103370750570NH3NH33966845220980Ni, H2, Ni, H2, 3797935730885345122510737853629660872490OO34512251035685334264073596533369255022853114040502285288544050736526892254533900026511255022852166620502285242252545339021939257308851235710839470CH2Cl2CH2Cl21235710304165PCCPCC1007110684530614045826135OHOH43561098933032702568961...
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