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How poverty has impoverished communities Social Sciences Paper (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


How poverty has impoverished communities.
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Statement of Purpose
My experiences on how poverty has impoverished communities have inspired me to contribute towards eradicating poverty. During my university years, one particular experience had the most significant implications for my desire to help communities eliminate poverty. While working for an NPO in the Philippines, I witnessed extreme poverty in Manila. I had only seen that kind of poverty in news and photographs and from my studies. As a result, I decided to devote my career to establishing a win-win relationship between Japan and foreign countries through being involved in infrastructure development. With this goal in mind, I chose to work for JBIC, which is the only public financial institution in Japan to support Japanese companies' overseas operations. Besides, I worked at JMOF and assigned to duties covering Japan's development finance policies. During my eight-year career with JBIC and JMOF, I have developed two main objectives to further my personal and professional interests. My first objective is to obtain an advanced academic background for sustainable infrastructure development models. My second objective is to build effective leadership upon which one can implement policies.

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