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IT & Computer Science
PowerPoint Presentation
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Project Computer Science IT & Computer Science PowerPoint Presentation (PowerPoint Presentation Sample)


It was our third year student project report


Abstract - Student attendance system is the system of tacking the attendance of the student on basis of presence in class. Successful industries, schools, universities begin by engaging students and making sure that they will come regularly so the attendance rate become very important. In this paper, a smart student attendance system is designed and implemented based on android operating system. In compression with other traditional attendance systems, the proposed system provides faster, cheaper and reachable system for online student attendance and generate the attendance report automatically.
Key Words: android, student list, session, instructor, course management.
Student attendance system is the system of tacking the attendance of the student on basis of presence in class. Successful industries, schools, universities begin by engaging students and making sure that they will come regularly so the attendance rate become very important.

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