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VBD Report (Research Paper Sample)




VBD Report
Student’s Name
Learning Institution
Table of Contents
Title page…………………………………………………………………………………….….1
Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………….…2
1.0 Introduction…………………….…………………………………………………….…..3
2.0 Definition of the Issue……………………………………………………………………3
2.1 Problem Identification………………………………………….………………………3
2.2 Environmental Scanning..........................................................................................…...5
3.0 Addressing the Issue………………………………………………………………….…..5
3.1 Theoretical Framework…………………………………………………………..………5
3.1.1 Organizational Control Focus………………………………………………………..5
3.1.2 Total Quality Management (TQM)……………………………………………...…...7
4.0 Recommendations………………………………………………………………………...8
1.0 Introduction
Fashionable thread is a clothing business Company in Brisbane. Other branches of the Company are located in Sydney, Melbourne, and Perth. The business structure is centralized with two stores in each state. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has raised concern that over the last 12 months there has been an increase in the number of complaints raised about the standards of the Fashionable thread Company’s products. A check further reveals that majority of the complaints come from clients whose initial complaints were not resolved because there seems to be a confusion within the Company on who should be responsible for addressing the customer complaints.
Based on CEO’s concern and referral of the issue to the Management Group for resolution, this report will define the problem, analyze and evaluate underlying factors affecting Fashionable thread Company’s organizational structure: Planning, Leadership, Organization, and control. In proposing a model of addressing the issue, this report will employ Organizational control focus and Total Quality Management (TMQ) theoretical framework. This report will further give recommendations to rectify the anomaly at Fashionable thread in the bid to streamline the Company and client communication channel.
2.0 Definition of the issue
An organizational problem is said to occur when a discrepancy exists between the present occurrences and the organization’s desires (Bartol, 2008, p. 67). Identifying and defining a problem requires an elaborate analysis of the environment for changes, categorizing those changes as a problem or non-problem and further diagnosing possible causes of the problem. The confusion in Fashionable Thread Company on who should handle client complaints has risen because of the centralized management structure. The top management has failed to define who should address customer complaints.
2.1 Problem Identification
In an organizational setting, employees are interrelated because individual output is dependent on others. This interrelation calls for coordination (Patrau, 2011, p.50). Fashionable thread Company has a communication problem within its organizational structure. Employees are confused about who should actually be responsible for handling the complaints lodged by the customers about the standard of the company’s products.
Figure 1: Organizational function P-O-L-C figure
P-O-L-C figure illustrates the organizational functions of Fashionable thread Clothing Company.
The Company’s communication problem can be attributed to leadership failure. Customers have been lodging complaints about the standards of the company’s products for over 12 months. The fact that there is confusion within the organization about who should actually be responsible for complaint resolution is a confirmation of communication problem within the organization. Fashionable thread Company lacks an elaborate communication structure that is being orchestrated by poor top leadership in the Company. It is the responsibility of the Company’s management to ensure that client satisfaction is met by putting proper communication channels in place.
In addition, it is the responsibility of the management to preside the process of customer feedback collection, analysis and giving responses in addition to making necessary changes in the brands to meet consumer demands (Managerial and Quality Control, 2014, p.47).
2.2 Environmental Scanning
Based on the fact that a check reveals that a large number of the complaints about the standards are from customers who have not had their initial complaint resolved points to discomfort in the use of the Company’s products and consequent decline in the Company’s sales. The decline has resulted to a discrepancy between the present and desired quantity of sales. This is an external environmental factor that has a negative impact on the Company goal of realizing marginal returns.
3.0 Addressing the Issue
3.1 Theoretical Framework
3.1.1 Organizational control focus
Organizational control focus theory is appropriate in addressing this problem. The theory puts emphasis on the feedback process where the past and present information influences future decisions. The theory exhibits a cause and effect relationship. Client feedback helps the organization to improve its efficiency and performance by making necessary adjustments to their products and customer service. Client feedback serves as a motivating factor. Happy and motivated customers will always come (Montgomery & Douglas, 2004, p.90). The management of Fashionable thread Clothing Company of has an obligation of ensuring that customers concerns are analyzed and appropriately addressed for the company to continue existing in the competitive global market.
Concurrent Control
This is an active engagement where a Company’s management actively measures all components of the Company’s operation using a checklist. All the ongoing activities of employees are monitored to ensure consistency with quality standards (Boundless, 2015, p.36). In concurrent control, the managers closely monitor daily operations, adjust, and solve potential problems in time while upholding performance standards. Based on Concurrent Control approach, managers in Fashionable thread Company should monitor daily operations of the company and address complaints raised by customers.
Feedforward control
It is a communication and organizational management approach that gives control to an org...
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