English Language Proficiency Standards. Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)
Using the Georgia English Language Proficiency Standards, select the stage for 3rd grade. I created a reading learning activity that is aligned with a learning objective at the basic proficiency level 1 on the ELP standards for each of the following domains Listening and Speaking Reading Writing.
It Includes a rationale that describes how each activity addresses the characteristic of the ELl at the basic level 1 and how language acquisition principles have been accountered for within your design Include ideas strategies to differentiate these activities for students in the preproduction and early production stages
English Language Proficiency Standards
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation
English Language Proficiency Standards
ELP Standard
Alignment to Universal Core ELA
The ELL can comprehend meaning from literary and oral presentations, and informational text through perceiving, listening and reading.
Let the learner describe the connection between texts and illustrations, then offer support and encouragement.
Allow the learners to engage in matching activities, where they can match words with pictures. Use two index cards; one with the words and pictures on the other.
An ELL know how to obtain the meaning of phrases and words in literary and oral presentations, and informational text.
Use read aloud activities as a confirmation to the learners’ understanding of the texts. Ask questions and clarify what they may not have fully understood.
Allow the learner to repeatedly read their favorite books. Use different objectives for every read-aloud with emphasis on different concepts.
An ELL know how to construct and grade suitable written and oral claims, and use evidence and reasoning to support them.
Use a variation of activities in writing, dictating, and drawing to create opinion pieces.
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