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Nursing's Sociological Issues (Research Paper Sample)


Nursing and sociology are professionally intertwined. Many elements of sociology have found heritage in nursing because nurses often deal with problems affecting the everyday lives of humanity. Therefore, it is critical to understand the general issues in sociology that affect the standard duty of a nurse in professional practice. In the professional setting, many social factors affect nurses' morale and dedication (Morrall, 2020). They include class or income, disability, gender, and many more. They are all significant because they may influence the dedication and performance of nurses in their workplaces. Undoubtedly, sociological issues are critical considerations in nursing because they affect nurses' motivation and overall working effectiveness.
As aforementioned, among the vital sociological issues are disabilities, class and income, gender, race, and ethnicity. Nurses with a disability may not be as confident in rendering services as those without disabilities (Jensen, 2019). It is imperative to note that the social life of a disabled person is different from that of an average person. They have different motivations. This may hinder the quality of service delivered. In some institutions, the element of race and ethnicity plays critically as well (Jensen, 2019). Consequently, nurses may be hindered from providing better services where racial segregation and ethnic factors affect their day-to-day engagements with patients and colleagues. Class is also a key concern. It is a factor intertwined with income. Those with low income may not easily relate with those with higher income. The income factor drives a classical segmentation wedge among them, thus; affecting the effectiveness of their engagements. Gender is also a sensitive sociological issue. However, it has been effectively dealt with over the years, and commendable changes have been established.
In conclusion, sociological issues may lead to clustering nurses under different categories. Those with certain traits may feel left out naturally by their counterparts. It is essential to sensitize nurses and inform them of the need to ensure that social factors do not affect the quality of their service delivery. Undoubtedly, sociological issues are critical considerations in nursing because they affect nurses' motivation and overall working effectiveness.


Nursing and sociology are professionally intertwined. Many elements of sociology have found heritage in nursing because nurses often deal with problems affecting the everyday lives of humanity. Therefore, it is critical to understand the general issues in sociology that affect the standard duty of a nurse in professional practice. In the professional setting, many social factors affect nurses' morale and dedication (Morrall, 2020). They include class or income, disability, gender, and many more. They are all significant because they may influence the dedication and performance of nurses in their workplaces. Undoubtedly, sociological issues are critical considerations in nursing because they affect nurses' motivation and overall working effectiveness.
As aforementioned, among the vital sociological issues are disabilities, class and income, gender, race, and ethnicity. Nurses with a disability may not be as confident in rendering services as those without disabilities (Jensen, 2019). It is imperative to note that the social life of a disabled person is different from that of an average person. They have different motivations. This may hinder the quality of service delivered. In some institutions, the element of race and ethnicity plays critically as well (Jensen, 2019).
Consequently, nurses may be hindered from providing better services where racial segregation and ethnic factors affect their day-to-day engagements with patients and colleagues. Class is also a key concern. It is a factor intertwined with income. Those with low income may not easily relate with those with higher income. The income factor drives a classical segmentation wedge among them, thus; affecting the effectiveness of their engagements. Gender is a

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