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Survey Reseach on public opinions IT & Computer Science Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


it was about to conduct a survey on public opinions concerning how individuals will react when subjected to questions


Survey Research On Public Opinions
Survey research is known as a quantitative and qualitative technique with two appearances which are self-reports measurements done on variables of interest and sampling issues are considered (Schindler, 2020). Self-reports measurements are where survey researchers ask questions directly to their respondents on their points of views while sampling issues is based on researched done on large random selected samples then provide accurate estimations to give a true value. Survey research will give me the general opinion either positive or negative from featured general public (Schindler, 2020).
My survey design will include series of questions to the respondents and their responds will depend on their choices of questions and agreement to certain questions. To begin with, participants will go through a brief paragraphs discussing on the new car features before proceeding to the records of their responses. Some statements that I would like respondents to rate are if they like self-driving car idea, if the world is ready and when the car hit the market they would accept the price. If majority of the surveyed group accept the questions asked, then it will be okay to assume that the public are ready for the car. When any survey research is conducted, samples of extensive selection of people is important. For instance, this case the general population survey is needed and not only former Mercedes customers.

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