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Intercultural Conflict Analysis (Research Paper Sample)


This paper addresses cultural conflicts and identify the underlying forms of cultural identity that results in creation of conflicts.

Intercultural Conflict Analysis
1.0. Introduction
1.1. Background of the study
This particular research study has been initiated with the core objective of defining as well as studying a contemporary cultural conflict, which will address the underlying forms of cultural identity that results in creation of conflicts. The study will focus on the global intercultural crises with special focus upon the exploitation of immigrant labor. The main objective of this research is to study the conflict arising because of exploitation of immigrant labor in nations like Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia and United States among others. Labors from across the globe, has been migrating to different places owing to lack of jobs and proper lifestyle in home countries. Most of the immigrants belong to the underdeveloped nations and hence, they have to move across the international borders in search of a better living for themselves. As these workers seek new and better opportunities for fulfilling basic amenities, they are lured away by the employers with offering lowest wages. These employers take benefit of this need of the migrants and exploit the labor in the form of physical and monetary losses. Apart from exploitation by employers, language barriers, low level of education, absence of documentation and high degree of exposure to intimidation and exploitation also impacts these groups significantly. Correspondingly, this paper deals with a descriptive study of the intercultural conflict, arising out of exploitation of immigrants in various nations of the world.
1.2. Aim of the study
This particular study focuses on addressing the underlying forms of cultural identity, which results in intercultural conflict. The conflict that has been focused in this study relates to the exploitation of immigrant labor in certain nations such as Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia and the U.S., which houses a large number of immigrants.
1.3. Objective of the study
To understand the problem of exploitation and its relation to immigrant labors
To gain a better understanding of the issue of labor exploitation in the global world
To identify various forms of exploitation, which is prevalent in Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia and the U.S against the immigrants labor with the help of already published journals and websites, along with other secondary sources of collecting data
To provide suggestion and recommendations on how to deal with the problem of labor exploitation
1.4. Research Questions
Q.1. What are the exploitative practices encountered by immigrant labors in foreign nations such as Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia and the U.S.?
Q.2. What are the negative effects of the exploitation in the lives of immigrants?
Q.3. What are the ways through which immigrants can be protected from exploitation in such countries?
1.5. Process Diagram

2.0. Literature Review
2.1. Overview
This chapter of the research provides a brief overview of the issue relevant to immigrant labor exploitation along with the forms of labor exploitation, with the help of scholarly sources retrieved from the internet.
2.2. Theoretical Background
In the present scenario, labor exploitation has become one the most prevalent factors that exists within the economic and social phenomenon. According to the views of Tormey, exploitation can be determined as taking undue benefits from others, further deriving benefits from others without providing them the full value of what they actually deserve. Furthermore, Tormey describes exploitation as a situation where the immigrant labors (exploited) lose and the employer (exploiter) gains. As noted by Goodin, exploitation of the immigrant workers inculcates the negative behavior that violates the ethical laws defending the labor. Goodin further asserted that exploitation occurs in such circumstances where there exists a privileged party alongside an unprivileged one, where the former derives undue benefits from the latter.
According to the statement made by the International Labor Organization (ILO), the concept of labor exploitation can be understood as rejection of the specific rights pertaining to the immigrant labor in contrast to the guidelines set by National Labor Laws. Labor exploitation includes maltreatment of labor, physical torture & abuse, sexual abuse from employers along with mental and psychological torture among others. Correspondingly, according to ‘International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families’, the ‘UN International Convention’, which was conducted on the issue of ‘protection of Rights of immigrant workers along with their families’, recognizes exploitation of immigrant labor practices as the calculative efforts for refusing the human rights as well as the employment rights of the immigrant labors. The article of World Vision identifies the approach of forced labor as one of the cruelest form of exploitation, where the employers take benefit of the undue advantages of immigrant labor in the presence of legislative gaps. According to the report published by ILO, an approximate 12.3 million people face forced labor challenges on a global scale. Moreover, Directorate General ILO forwarded an idea that an increase in force labor is a result of inclusion of deception regarding the type of work and general terms along with restriction on payments made to immigrant labors on a timely basis. Labor exploitation also revolves around the concept of bonded labor in the foreign countries. According to World Vision, the situation of bonded labor arises when an immigrant labor is unable to pay his dues to the employer owing to which he/she becomes a permanent worker of the employer. In similar context HREA, lays stress upon the concept of slavery as another important factor stimulating the exploitation of labor in workplace. On an organizational viewpoint, slavery can be stated to occur when an individual’s life is controlled and influenced by another individual, where the former is deprived of his labor and sacrifice.
Bales contended that individuals are held and enslaved in a forceful manner against their preferences with the intent of exploitation. He further adds that the concept of slavery must not be assumed as a past happening, as slavery remains prevalent where situations of gullibility and poverty still exist. According to the statistical data of ILO for the year 2003, around 27 million people globally, remain under slavery, which includes major portions of them as immigrant labors. Apart from the above reviews on various forms of exploitation, UNODC encompasses around the issues of sexual exploitation as well as human trafficking as one of the major forms of immigrant labor exploitation. It explains that this form of exploitation revolves around the concept of prostitution and other forms of sexual abuse of others, apart from servitude, forced labor, organ trafficking and slavery among other. Betty revealed the fact that employers in Saudi Arabia are withholding the passports of the immigrant laborers, where hundreds of them are dwelling in substandard locations. A report published in The New York Times, gave an idea of the fact of how immigrant workers belonging from Bangladesh, were arrested and jailed in as majority of them went on strikes. They were employed as immigrant laborers in building universities in New York. These workers never received a salary hike in the past eight years owing to which they had to survive in pathetic conditions and face exploitation from their employers continuously.
2.3. Summary
As can be interpreted from the above reviews, immigrant labor exploitation is considered as very crucial social phenomena, which deprives a person from fulfillment of his/her basic needs. The reviews further stress upon various forms of exploitation and their impact upon the immigrant labor. The factors of exploitation such as forced labor, slavery, human trafficking along with sexual abuse of immigrant labors gives an overview of the exploitation faced by immigrant workers in nations such as Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia and the U.S.
3.0. Research Methodology
3.1. Overview
Research Methodology illustrates a specific framework for conducting a research study proceedings. This section of any research study inculcates a number of steps that would result in successful conduct of research and would further assist in analysis of findings of the study. This particular research will be conducted based upon a mixed research approach. The research methodology will bring out the use of primary as well secondary sources with the purpose of collecting data relevant to the subject matter of the study. The next section of the chapter discusses the process to be followed for the collection of data, prior to its analysis. Moreover, the chapter also discusses the limitations of the research and the problems faced while conducting the study as per the desired results. The methodology section would also discuss the ethical considerations that were adhered prior to conducting the research study. Finally, the section will end with concluding the overall methodology.
3.2. Research Design & Strategy
The research design illustrates a brief overview of the overall study, the research approaches that have been used along with the segmentation of the steps followed while conducting the study. The design explains the research strategy in accordance to the steps involved in completing the research study. With this concern, this research study has initiated with the introduction part, prior to the use of literature reviews that gave a distinctive idea about the issue of immigrant labor exploitation. The study further elaborates the research findings and ends with conclusion and recommendations for...
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