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Research and Describe Behavioral Effects from Alcohol (Research Paper Sample)
The task was to make a research on BEHAVIORAL EFFECTS FROM ALCOHOL.
What do we usually feel when see a mother with a baby carriage holding it in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other? How do we usually perceive a drunken father picking up his child from school? What do we usually think of the company of teenagers abusing alcohol? How about violence at home, caused by drunken mother or deathful car crash provoked by the drunk driver? Unfortunately all these facts are not fictitious; they do exist nowadays and are not intended to become rare. The following paper will illustrate the behavioral effects caused by the alcohol use and abuse. It will also show consequences on alcohol use in the period of pregnancy and after it.
It is the well known fact that alcohol use today is among the major public health problem. Abuse of alcohol increase the risk to be injured, come under state of violence, may cause the inappropriate behavior and lead to serious diseases such as HIV infection, hepatitis and others. In its statistic report, the Alcohol-Related Disease Impact application stated that from 2006 to 2010 there happened about 88,000 deaths caused by the excessive alcohol use. Over use of alcohol is the third leading lifestyle which causes death of people in the United States each year. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism states that the percentage of drinkers in the past month was about 56% and there are 17 million Americans who have alcohol use disorder. Such disorders couldn’t avoid the consequences of more than 10 percent of U.S. children to live with alcohol addicted parents, according to the study. (Alcohol Facts and Statistics, NIAAA).
Alcohol dependence is a chronic lifelong threatening disease. Based in the brain, it affects the nerve centre and gives the feeling of lightness and relaxation. Sometimes alcohol use may change the way certain people react and be perceived by the body as hunger, instead person is already addictive to alcohol. It should be stated that person’s heredity and the environment one live in influences on the addiction to alcohol. Some research consider that alcohol addiction happens mostly in the vulnerable families, where moral values are at low level, violence and abuse is norm fact. One or another member of such family is inclined to fall under the alcohol addiction. Use of alcohol drinks can make negative impact on one’s health. It affects ones’ body by interfering brain’s pathways and can affect the way it works. Such destruction provokes changes in mood and behavior. Sober person lives under the standards and society values, while for alcoholic these moral principles become totally different. Beside changes in behavior, drinking alcohol ruins cardiovascular system, liver, pancreas, it increases risk of some cancer disease and influence the immune system in general. Too much of alcohol use and for a long time causes serious disorders, such as strong need to drink, loss of control, negative emotions, worry. Addicted to alcohol person feels the need to drink more in order to feel the previous “positive” effect. Alcohol addiction changes the behavior of one who uses such drinks. Hangovers become usual thing, which lead to the academic problems or problems at work; rapid changes in mood provoke argues with the people around. The whole system of values is changed. One is inclined to communicate likewise people in order to be at the same level with them. Together with the life in the fast lane, person is engaged into sometimes unwanted and usually unprotected sexual activity. Because of the improper behavior, people addicted to alcoholism are more intended to argue damaging property. This usually lead to troubles with law and changing in the ordinary lifestyle.
Neuroscientists state that alcohol worsen the formation of memory in the rising generation, that’s why much attention is given to the youth alcoholism (Washington and Lee University, 2011). Over use of alcohol causes not only physical diseases, but is also social and economic burden for the community. It is stated in losing one’s sense of responsibility regarding the society and and the people around. As the result of such irresponsibility there appear incidents of negative behavior concerning the closest people the alcoholic lives and works with; even if all present assistance and support the alcoholic is tend to reject one’s help and attention unstable emotional state of alcoholics simply hurt other people. Even when drunken person is not violent because of the harmful addiction, alcohol is still present and those who lose control over themselves still are. As a matter of act alcohol addictive people turn into different people. It doesn’t matter what type of personality the alcoholic is in life, he/she is inclined to have illnesses associated with excessive drinking.
In the years between 1991 and 2005 half a million of pregnant women were surveyed in order to find out the percentage of those who drank alcohol while being pregnant and before the pregnancy. About 12 % of the respondents used alcohol during the period of pregnancy (Alcohol Facts and Statistics, NIAAA). It is being proved that small amounts of alcohol affects women completely different than it affect men. Heavy drinking has got worse consequences for women than it is for men. The Dietary Guidelines states that drinking alcohol can cause the increase of risk for car crashes, high blood pressure, stroke and certain types of cancer. Alcohol use impacts not only women health, but it also provoke the aggressive behavior and even lead to suicidal actions. Even for the fact that alcohol is illegal for person under twenty- one, many of the teen girls drink. About 37% of the ninth grade girls drink alcohol (NIAAA). Being under the influence of alcohol, young women are prone to sexual abuse or unplanned sexual relation with the most unpredictable consequences, such as pregnancy or diseases. There is no need to make an emphasis on behavior of girls who abuse alcohol. They are louder, usually want to seem older than they are and act provocative concerning relations with boys. Their moral principles are breaking down, which lead to the problems with the studying and health, also cause the incidents with police. Researcher suggests that those girls and women who have trouble with the relationship are inclined to drink alcohol more, than those who have good attitude. It should be mentioned that women who suffered sexual abuse in the childhood are more likely to become alcoholics when growi...
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