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Christian Ethics (Research Paper Sample)


A Christian methodology is the manner of study, which outlines how believers should make moral decisions. There are different emerging Christian issues, which need to be addressed in a systematic manner to find lasting solutions. Moral decisions refer to decisions that question what is right and what is wrong according to Christian values


Christian Ethics
A Christian methodology is the manner of study, which outlines how believers should make moral decisions. There are different emerging Christian issues, which need to be addressed in a systematic manner to find lasting solutions. Moral decisions refer to decisions that question what is right and what is wrong according to Christian values. In solving crucial Christian ethical issues, it is important to tackle each issue carefully to make wise decisions. The case method is an approach adapted by Christians to enable them make wiser and better decisions in future with reference to past case studies (Anderson, 2005). This method is very important as it enables one to compare past issues and use the procedure used to deal with the current issues. This enables a Christian to tackle recent Christian ethical issues by comparison with the case study and make better-informed decisions.
There are diverse models designed to assist unravel Christian ethical issues. In this context, the HARPS model is favorable to enable use solve various Christian ethical issues. The HARPS model has four distinctive stages, which include the information, issue, analysis, and conclusion stage. The information stage collects all the data required in relation to a particular issue to figure out the cause, and whether any clarifications are offered. The issue stage is the second level, which enquires about the gaps identified in the information stage and the reason why those gaps exist. It also identifies debatable issues and requires one to conduct further research to explain the data. The third phase comprises of the analysis phase. This is where one creates a solution to the problem; one of the difficulty stumbled upon is the existence of two ethical problems leading to conflict. The second difficulty is drawing a crossing board between acceptability and unacceptability. The final segment of HARPS model is the conclusion, which can be troublesome. This is where you evaluate all the available data above and come up with a resolution to the ethical issue. The usage of this model is illustrated below in the various Christian ethical issues.
The role of the scriptures is a Christian ethical issue in today’s world. This issue arises from the use of scriptures to solve contemporary Christian issues. The use of bible norms in our daily life as opposed to the different situations present in the past and human understanding. The information provided in the bible expects one to have faith in God. In the catholic perspective, one has to find Christ to find God. This issue has brought about controversy in the real world because people prefer to find God and not an intermediary. The analysis regarding this issue suggests what must be done to cover the gap between traditional life in the bible and the life today.
Research suggests that even when dealing with controversial issues in present day, one must uphold Christian norms, values and morals. For example, the issue on abortion is discussed in Genesis and Jeremiah among others, which are forbidden by the scriptures. However, in today’s world Christian argue that it is allowed under certain grounds of rape or ectopic pregnancy. This creates a controversy between the scriptures and Christian ethical issues today.
The role of the Christian community is another ethical issue to be addressed. This acts as a bridge between theological studies and Christian moral principles. Today, the church should be the main source of Christian moral values. The church ought to shape the moral character of Christians, maintain and implement the right tradition, more so act as a body of ethical reflection and decision-making. The analysis obtained suggests that the church acts as a custodian of the moral images from the bible. It is given duty to shape a moral foundation of the individual and the community ...
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