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Sociology and Religion: Spiritual Growth and Development (Research Paper Sample)


Submit the research question (see research question in comments listed Below) for your Annotated Bibliography and Research Paper, revised to reflect your instructor's comments, along with one paragraph explaining the significance of the question for the sociology of religion and one paragraph explaining how you plan to investigate the question.
Submit a list of at least 15 sources that you propose to use for your Annotated Bibliography. Your list should include primarily scholarly articles. Journalistic sources should be used in a supporting role. Remember that your sources should be sociological, not theological or pastoral.
Submit in one Word document.
The research question is: Is the Mega-church phenomenon eroding individual spiritual growth and development?
My intent is to try and show, as you stated; that there is virtually no one to one connection, between the average Mega-church attendee and the Pastor. The data may not prove this out but I have to research and write a paper on it. this is but one of three papers due on this same subject.


The mega-church phenomenon
Institutional Affiliation
The mega-church phenomenon and individual spiritual development and growth
The sociology of religion has evolved over time with sociologists like Emile Durkheim and Max Weber giving their schools of thought on the issue. It is basically the study of religious issues and practices using sociological methods. The mega-church issue is an important aspect of the sociology of religion. Through a research on the issue, the question of large number of members in these churches and how the churches are able to take care of their spirituality. It will help explain the social relationship between these churches and the social systems (Dillon, 2003).
I plan to investigate the question, through a research on how mega churches have evolved through time. I will look at how the churches carry out their functions and how members join or are integrated into the church. I will also investigate the different plans and activities the church has put in place to ensure that the members are able to grow and develop spiritually. The research will also investigate if the measures put in place by the mega-churches work in helping the members grow or not.
The roots of the mega churches can be traced back many years. The church is mostly associated with the African-American community, where the church members are of significant numbers. Most of the mega-churches depend wholly on the attendance of its members for its survival. The church has different departments for the members who wish to volunteer for them. Membership to such a type of church fully depends on the individual. New members in the church are given an opportunity to choose whether to continue worshiping at the church or not (Chaves, 2006). According to the conducted research, new or visiting members do not just join the church because the church leadership wants them to, but choose to attend church according to the experience they have on the initial visit. Joining the church also depends partly on how the pastor can minister to the church. Those looking for a home church and they have a good experience on the first visit; they are most likely to join the church (Mottner, 2007).
Many of these mega churches have very humble beginnings, and the congregation has gracefully risen over the years. As people get into the church, they can find a place that best suits them. It is one of the reasons why they stay. Membership can also be as a result of the influence of family or friends. As they share their experiences of the church and how their lives have changed, one finds a reason to join the church (Pinn, 2009). The ministries and the activities that the church has put in place also determine the personal spiritual growth of a member. Many of the mega-churches have put in place different departments that cater for the different members. One of these is the department that takes in new members or those who have started their spiritual journeys.
Such a department helps the individual grow spiritually through teachings and different lessons. Members are gradually guided by pastors in the church to help them strengthen their spirituality. Another department in such a church is that that brings the members study the Bible. Sessions like these will help the members grow each other spiritually as the study the bible. The studies also help the members develop friendship bonds as they study together and know each other more. Such bonds can be helpful not just spiritually but any psychological or physical need that may arise among the members. If a person can get help in other issues that they experience, it will be easy for the person to grow and develop spiritually.
Mega-churches also have activities where they go out to society and offer a helping hand to those in need. Such an outreach to society helps those who are already members of the church grow spiritually through helping others (Kreider, 2007). Those who get the help, from the church can also identify the spiritual journey they want to take and may resort to joining the church. The churches are also built with the main aim of growing the individuals spiritually. That is why most of these churches put an emphasis on the prayers and the type of worship that take place in the church. The church leadership ensures that the members get an unforgettable experience in their worship, praise and prayer sessions (Kuzma, 2009).
The research conducted also shows that these mega churches encourage its members to pray and support each other. This initiative by the church ensures that the members can keep praying for themselves (Ellingson, 2010). The continued prayers are another way the church makes sure that the congregation is kept on toes on issues concerning their spirituality. Thus, the church encourages the growth of its members (Hinton, 2011). Other sectors in the church that help with individual spiritual growth and development are specific group activities i.e. those that are gender specific. These include the women and men groups. These groups reach out support and encourage its members. The groups also reach out to the men and women who have special needs in the society including those who may be in drugs or those women who engage in prostitution (Hoilland, 2009).
Through the findings of the research that was conducted, it is evident that the activities that take place in the mega churches help in the spiritual growth and development of its members (Connell, 2005). Every individual has the power to choose to attend these particular churches or not. Many of the mega-churches focus on the spirituality of its members. It means that the church has to do all it can to ensure that the spirituality of its members continues to grow. It is, therefore, clear that mega churches do not erode the spirituality of its individual members but help everyone grow spiritually (Barnes, 2010). The mega-churches help guide the individual members in ways that will enable their spirituality to grow and develop. Some of the ways used by the churches usually cater for individual and group needs. They also take care of individuals who may not be membe...
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