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Abortion (Research Paper Sample)

It is a RESEARCH paper about abortion and the complication in this regard in women. Abortion is an emotional and complex issue for women and a balance should be maintained among the interests, rights, and fetal interests of women. So, the restrictions should be flexible in terms of abortion. It is reported by the American Psychological Association task force on mental health and Abortion that there are various negative mental and physical outcomes. The major cause of this negative outcome is the pressure of terminating a pregnancy. There is diversity in the pressure on women about abortion. Reports tell that this pressure is mostly from the partner parents employers, and healthcare providers and also involves sex traffickers source..
Introduction: Abortion is an emotional and complex issue for women and a balance should be maintained among the interests, rights, and fetal interests of women. So, the restrictions should be flexible in terms of abortion. It is reported by the American Psychological Association task force on mental health and Abortion that there are various negative mental and physical outcomes. The major cause of this negative outcome is the pressure of terminating a pregnancy. There is diversity in the pressure on women about abortion. Reports tell that this pressure is mostly from the partner parents employers, and healthcare providers and also involves sex traffickers (Erdman, 2017). There are various other factors for women to enforce abortion. These include situational pressure, financial conditions mental health issues, and other fatal malformation and circumstances. The study will discuss the post-abortion effects on the health of women. It is usually because of the external pressure and non-consent of the women in abortion. It is observed that women that feel pressure to agree to abortion suffered most mental and physical health problems and reactions. It is observed that there is not much work has been done on the research of that post reaction to abortion. Important to find the different types of pressures and their effects caused by the unwanted abortion (Diggins, 2020). Study Design This study is based on an electronic survey that consists of the women that have suffered an abortion in the past or the recent past. This survey will help to understand the physical and mental condition of the women after abortion. The survey is not belonging to the primary interview but has been taken from various electronic media and is approved by consultations and experts in abortion counseling and researchers. This survey consists of statements regarding the pressure of abortion and the abbreviation of each pressure stated in the report the respondents are free to give their responses as per their feelings and circumstances (Porter, 1994). Responses of the women will help to conclude a detailed report about the physical and mental effects because of abortion. The meaning of this studies to understand that either abortion is a personal matter for women to take action on or should involve external pressure to conclude the abortion. The study will also include the outcome of post-abortion without the consent of women. This study not only helps to understand the post-abortion effects but also to set the loss and possible rules for abortion. Survey questions, abbreviations, and appropriate percentages are set by the recommendations of the researchers and experts. The discussion does not include the pressure sources but also includes questions related to the post-abortion. It will help to understand the negative or positive physical and mental health conditions of the women (Reardon, Longbons, Reardon, & Longbons, 2023). Abbreviation Complete statement or question Scale of Agreement (0 to 100) MP Felt pressure on abortion from my male partner. 0-100 FM Felt pressure on abortion from the various family members. 0-100 SE Felt pressure to abort from someone else from outside the family.  0-100 FC I felt pressure because of the financial difficulties. 0-100 OC I felt pressure to abort from other circumstances. 0-100 PE My positive emotions regarding the abortion are…. 0-100 NE My negative emotions regarding the abortion are…. 0-100 IDL Thoughts and feelings about my abortion have negatively interfered with daily life, work, or relationships.  0-100 NH I need help because of the negative feelings or behaviors due to my abortion. 0-100 FT I have had frequent thoughts, dreams, or flashbacks to the abortion. 0-100 FL I have had frequent feelings of loss, grief, or sadness about the abortion. 0-100 BMH Abortion made my mental health . . . 0-100 SS Completing this survey has increased feelings of stress. 0-100 MB The idea of abortion conflicted with my moral beliefs.  0-100 MD The idea of abortion conflicted with my maternal desires. 0-100 Table 1: Questionnaire for Aborted Women with Abbreviation The discussion here helps us to understand the level of pressure on the various aborted women around the targeted places. In this question here we have set the abbreviation for the level of pressure and questions. These questions and scales help us to prepare authentic results. Results of the study help us to understand the positive and negative emotions, disturbance in life, the desire for help, continuous thoughts, feelings, and impact on mental health the survey also helps to understand some other difficulties that are possibly not mentioned in the questionnaire (Reardon, Longbons, Reardon, & Longbons, 2023). Population: The survey is conducted online and women are selected for this research all over the United States. It helps to validate the research results and compare the reserves from various States. We have selected the authentic surveys from the female who suffered an abortion and lived in the United States and the age is must between 20 to 30 years. We have selected a specific age group to understand the difficulties of mental and Physical health in a particular age group. This group is selected as most of the abortion cases are reported between such age groups in the United States. In the various service, it is observed that this age group is mostly pressurized to abort. Results: There are a total of 1112 females participating in the survey that have the age between 20 to 30. It is observed that the question consists of two pages and almost 60% of the female answered the first page only. The first page of the question year consists of the demographic questions. 40% of the women in the survey Answered all the questions on two pages. It is requested that the women complete the whole questionnaire that complete only one page. There are 85% of women completed the full questionnaire of the survey. 70% of the women answer the question here involves extreme mental stress after the abortion because of the external pressure. All of these women in the survey must be involved in the external pressure of abortion. It is observed that the level of pressure is different in the different women. These women belong to different demographic ar...
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