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Nation Report Part 3: The Effect of Globalization on the Environment, Disease, Crime and Population in Australia (Research Paper Sample)


The research aimed at determining the effect of globalization on the environment, disease, crime and population in Australia.


Nation Report Part 3
Nation Report Part 3
The research aimed at determining the effect of globalization on the environment, disease, crime and population in Australia. The method for collecting the information was by use of secondary resources including articles, books, journals and magazines. The various research published based on statistical research in the area were also used in this research. The research showed that globalization had a significant effect on the population, crime, disease as well as the environment in the country. The findings raised a concern as to how Australia was responding to the effects of globalization.
Globalization has influenced the population of Australia in terms of life mortality rates, life expectancy, birth rate and distribution. The population density has increased due to increased social globalization (Blackmore, 2014). This has led to increased birth rates although the life expectancy has dropped due to diseases. Globalization impact on health and disease in Australia is evidenced by the increase in the HIV/AIDS incidence in the country. Crime has also increased in Australia due to globalization as tobacco smuggling at the borders has led to about 32% of the deaths. Through use of greenhouse gases, ozone layer depletion has resulted and this can be traced back to globalization. Extinction of some species from the ecology depicts an increased globalization effect (Blackmore, 2014).
The findings show that Australia has been negatively affected by globalization and a lasting solution needs to be established to minimize future harm. A specific balance needs to be established between the negative and positive effects of globalization in the country. The impact of various trade agreements should be scrutinized fir their effects on the health and environment of the locals. Policy responses should be applied to regulate the entry of prohibited substance into the country (Tiern...
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