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Leadership of Security Agencies in Selected Gulf States (Research Paper Sample)

Writing a Research Outline Instructions Write a Research Outline containing the following components: • Research Question • Research aims • Hypothesis • Problem statement (i.e. statement of why the answering the question is important) for one question • Data needed to answer one question/hypothesis? Replace all the text in the grey boxes Purpose The purpose of this exercise is for you to get practice in drafting the key elements of a research topic. Resources • Use the Guideline 3 of the Thesis Manual especially pp 39-40 • Use Halperin & Heath source..
Leadership of Security Agencies in Selected Gulf States Author Affiliation Tutor Date Leadership of Security Agencies in Selected Gulf States Due to their strategic location at the epicentre of sectarianism, instability, and regional rivalry, Gulf States have been compelled to prioritize their security. The Arab nations have realized recently that they cannot receive the best protection from trusted foreign governments (Salami, 2022). Despite the uncertainty surrounding the U.S.'s capacity to offer forces and support, the Arab Gulf states significantly rely on American assistance and projected power capabilities due to their lack of cohesion and cooperation (Cordesman, 2023; Thafer & Al-Jaber, 2019). Hence, national security councils were established. Gulf state national security councils are established as institutional frameworks for coordinating national security policies inside and outside, allowing nations to adapt quickly to their changing internal, regional, and global contexts. The councils plan and carry out national security, guaranteeing a country's safety from any threats that jeopardize it and present a risk to the economy, society, culture, or environment. Research Question The rights and freedoms outlined in constitutional texts and later statutes have been delimited using national security. Hence, national security is able to withstand all attacks, whether internal or external, defeatist attempts, natural disasters, and conflicts. It entails protecting and upholding state authority while utilizing all available resources to win a conflict. This study assesses the leadership of security agencies in selected Gulf States by responding to the following overarching research question: 1 What is the correlation between national security councils and the perception of security in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Qatar? The following secondary research questions are crucial when delineating the study problem. * What factors have contributed to the acceptance and integration of national security councils in the governance structures of the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Qatar? * What are the basic tenets of the national security council gaining popularity in Gulf States? Research Aim The study aims to find a correlation between formulating and implementing national security counc...
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