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Sociology Course Culture and Anthropology: Role Of Women In Africa (Research Paper Sample)


It was a research paper for a sociology course for a 4th-year student.

Name of Student: Cody Clayton
Name of Instructor:
Course Title: Culture and Anthropology
Date of Submission: 18/10/2017
1.1.1 Thesis statement
In the traditional African setup, it has been that women are ranked lower than their male counterparts. Roles that were considered nobler were always shouldered upon men while those perceived to be less noble were always assigned to women. This is regardless of the ability of the woman. Over the years however women in the African society have proven of their ability to handle most duties just like men in various the sectors.
Due to the division of labor in Africa both men and women have been assigned specific roles which differ. These roles have been dynamic in that a comparison of the roles of women in the ancient African society to the modern times there is a difference. This piece of work will try to look at the specific roles of African women in the economic, Political and social aspects of life among others.
1.1.2 Background
Both in the modern times and the ancient time of the African society, the role of women in the various sectors of life cannot be overlooked. women were ranked low back in the days since in some communities they were considered as mere house caretakers whose tasks were limited to taking care of children and performing cleaning duties. They, therefore, were exempted from various major responsibilities such as choosing of leaders while their male counterparts were assigned tasks such as providing for family requirements which were considered noble. This trend did not last forever since women began taking up the various other responsibilities such as leadership roles that were in the past specific only to men.
The change has been possible in modern society since there has been an emergence of feminists and other human rights organizations which began challenging the deeply held traditions about the roles of women in the African society. Women, therefore, began assuming roles that in the past they would not have even thought of.
1.1.3 Analysis for
Women play a significant role in our society. However, traditionally held beliefs have often served as a hindrance for women to attain their maximum potential. Feminist organizations and human rights groups such as Africa for Women’s Rights formed to check on international and regional mechanisms for safeguarding women’s rights, The East African Center an organization seeking to improve the health, literacy and economic status among women and children. The Africa Women’s Development Funds which aids organizations geared towards empowering women. These organizations and many others have played a major role in debunking most of these traditions and perceptions held against women (Moghadam, 2009). Consequently, there have emerged a lot of women who have proven that women can perform just as well as men. Secondly, according to Robb (2013) if women are accorded equal opportunities like men they are capable of performing all the roles than a man can perform. In most societies before the 19th century, women were not given the opportunity to go to school and access formal education like men. That is probably why women were not able to perform certain roles in the society especially those that required professional skills
In addition, the ancient African society was very patriarchal. This means men almost everything was about men. Women had very little say when it came to important matters of the family or society at large. Men were the ones who therefore allocated roles both to children and their women. This clearly explains why women had limited roles.
Last but not least, the advent of feminist groups in the early 18th century played a big role in challenging the beliefs held regarding the role of women in society. It is as a result of such efforts that women were given the right to vote as well as access to formal education like men. Education played a great role in exposing the potential that women had in society. Argument against
There are differing opinions regarding as to what exact roles women should assume in society. Most of those who still hold the ancient African culture on distinct roles played by women and men believe women should take a back seat when it comes to important functions of our society. Indeed, it is impossible to completely think that women are equal to men. Society dictates that a man is stronger than a woman and should always be the protector. Consequently, there are some roles that should exclusively be left to men. For example the running of a home, a man should be the head of the family rather than a woman. Women are generally led by emotions whereas men are driven by reason and justice.
Even if viewed from most religious perspectives, men are always considered superior to women. For instance when it comes to Christianity, the Bile the book of Corinthians (in a letter written by Apostle Paul to the Corinthians), he clearly states that women should not be allowed to preach or usurp authority over a man because man was formed first and it is the woman who fell from the Grace of God and not man. Such kinds of beliefs are the ones that determine the role of women in society. The same can be found among Muslims where women are not allowed to perform certain functions.
In a nutshell, women should accept the roles that they have found themselves in and should not try to compete to be equal to men.
2.0 Socio-economic roles
In the ancient African society women played a critical role in ensuring the economic aspect of the society is catered for. This is evident in the Kenyan setup whereby among the Kikuyus women were responsible for food provision (African Women Culture, 2014). This therefore meant that land for cultivation was readily available to them. As a result they were in charge of determining the type of crop that was to be planted. Moreover they were responsible for providing the labor required in the production and processing of food. Though in a different way in the modern African society women still continue taking the biggest role in terms of food production, this is by directly being involved in the food production through employment. It is moreover different in modern society because in as much as they maintained these roles they were not well appreciated as in the past. This can directly be linked to colonialism which in a tremendous way shifted the duties and position of women in Africa.
In the Nigerian setup the economic role of women was manifested by their involvement in the trade and market system. Women developed guidelines on how the trading was to be done which included; Determining prices for the market, putting the market system in order, putting an okay to terms of trade with the foreigners, organizing for meetings with the main aim of seeking to advance their trade, marketing criteria and many others (African Women Culture, 2014 Par 3). The women also had a high intelligence with which they used to ensure that the economic aspect of the society was catered for. Their high economic intelligence was learned from mothers or aunties who had been involved in business too and not from a public education system. The economic abilities they had were diverse and had been crafted for a long period of time. Today women are still the key players in the regional market set up of Africa.
It is evident in past times that in as much as women were engaged in various economic roles they rarely were recognized for what they did, however in the modern times of Africa things seem to have changed since women’s roles in the economic sector have been recognized (Akyeampong, 2017).
2.1 Employment of women and economic growth
In the current world we are living education is almost a prerequisite to employment. This is the case in Africa too and specifically to women. According to Kajunju (2015) unemployment among the youths in Africa stands at 60 percent with the main reason being lack highly-skilled young people. For a long time Women in Africa have been sidelined in the employment sector, in that in as much as they might have acquired education to the elementary level they still are forced to take up lower positions in the job sector. These Positions include the secretariat and clerical. The picture was worse in rural set up where women were mostly housekeepers therefore, since what they were involved in did not bring income it was not considered as a form of employment.
2.2 Role of women in Agriculture
Agriculture can be an important tool for the realization economic growth and alleviation of poverty. Women play a crucial role in the agricultural sector and according to Doss, (2011) efforts towards the realization of economic growth can only be a reality if women are given a stake in the agricultural sector. An example is women in the rural areas who contribute to agriculture in the following ways; rearing animals, food preparation, employment in the agricultural enterprises found in the rural areas, production of products from agriculture among many other responsibilities. In as much as many of these activities are not being regarded as form of employment the African rural households won’t survive without them. Additionally since there is a variation in the specific agricultural activities that women are involved in it becomes extremely hard to quantify the amount and nature of work done by them. In developing countries for example research has it that women are responsible for 60to80 percent of the total food produced from the agricultural sector (Momsen, 1991; Mehra and Rojas, 2008). Moreover in the African set up where livestock are crucial part of agriculture women too have not been left behind as they take a leading role in managing poultry and dairy animals thereby...
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