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Mitigating Cyber security risk in business Technology Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


The sample describes various mechanisms to be used in reducing cybersecurity in business


Mitigating Cyber-Security Risk in Business
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Mitigating Cyber-Security Risk in Business
Cybersecurity consists of a comprehension effort of protecting business information systems as well as its composition resources such as the computers, data and network from an attack. Generally, cybersecurity aims at maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and information  (Hubbard & Seiersen, 2016). While cybersecurity risks/threat refers to an event or a condition with the capability of altering the normal functionality of the cyber system, which is the information system. This may be executed through destruction of the devices, unauthorized access to the system, data disclosure, denial of service or the modification of data. In order to reduce this risk, proper mechanism needs to be employed in the field of business. However, various mitigating mechanisms are used for ensuring cyber security risks are encounterd.
Mainly, various cybersecurity risks that are associated with the business include;
a)     Ransomware; This consist of malicious software such as malware that is delivered through malicious mails and tries to scramble the data to unlock the code,
b)     Phishing; This is the act of gaining sensitive information from the system by an attacker through posing of contact that is trustworthy such as a bank. The attacker may use communication channels such as emails that may look too genuine,

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