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The Design Philosophy of DARPA Internet Protocols (Research Paper Sample)
The research paper was about darpa internet protocols. The research tries to solve the problems of internet that were not covered by the TCP/IP.
Summary of ‘The Design Philosophy of DARPA Internet Protocols’ Paper
The ‘The Design Philosophy of DARPA Internet Protocols’ Paper was written by David D. Clark in the year 1988, with an aim solving the problems that existed in the TCP/IP that was in use by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency. The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency is a US military advanced research agency whose main work is to develop new technologies for the military. Computer networking is one of the key successes of the agency. During its early development, computer networking was marred with problems which made it unreliable for use in the military operations. The DARPA is funded the US government to carry out research projects that will lead to the development of technologies that will ensure that the US military maintains its superiority and to avoid technological surprises by other countries of the world.
The main goal of the paper was divided into fundamental goals and second level goals for improvement of the TCP/IP internet protocol that was in use at the time (Clark, 1988). The fundamental goals of the paper were the development of effective techniques for multiplexed utilization of the interconnected networks that existed at the time (inter-connectivity), development of packet switching as a multiplexing technique and as a fundamental component of internet architecture, and development of gateway packet communications processors (Clark, 1988). The second level goals of the research paper were goals developed further from the main goals described above. These goals included survivability even after loss of networks or gateways, support of multiple services simultaneously, cost-effectiveness in implementation, maintenance and use, resource accountability, support for a variety of networks and allowing distributed resource management (Clark, 1988).
Through the goals of the project, the main purpose of the research paper was to solve the problems of the internet that were not covered by the TCP/IP which was popular during the time. Clark was finding ways of proposing ways through which the existing but isolated computer networks could be interconnected into a large network without compromising their effectiveness, increasing resource use while improving effectiveness and reliability (Clark, 1988). In the paper, the author presents important weaknesses of the existing network of the time such as its reliance on the TCP/IP which made it inefficient and prone to failures which would greatly compromise the effectiveness of the US military and other defense personnel relying on the internet. At the end of the research paper, the author is able to suggest new methods that would eliminate such weaknesses. The solutions provided in the paper have been very successful and consequently shaped the future of internet up to the present day and beyond. For instance, the paper was able to provide ways through which different communication technologies and n...
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