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Assess the use of performative music and drama as an evangelistic tool (Research Paper Sample)


Assess the use of performative music and drama as an evangelistic tool for reaching children and young people
Introduction – school setting. 250
What is evangelism, especially within a school context, what can be achieved due to legislation? 1000
Use of music and drama within a biblical context to aid evangelism, and development of faith. 1000 spoke in parables so people would hear, but not all would understand. Ears who hear….
Exploration of current methods being used – What is performative music and drama within a school context, - action songs and puppetry, narrative and storytelling etc. Low quality and high quality…whole range.
- Culturally relevant and engaging, sharing faith in an accessible way. 500
Drop"? Local context vs national context – Minor point…. 500
- Purpose of local church and relationship to encourage ongoing practice
- Hit and run scenario of outside agencies, without a clear partnership
Assessment of this – is this an appropriate method of evangelism? Culturally relevant. 1500
- Communicates a way they understand, engaging, culturally engaging, learning styles. Why is not just entertainment.
Important - What does this mean for the discipleship process?
- Without a local context performative leaves it dead in the water
- Can raise high expectations of church and youth group settings, how do we handle the come down. 1000
Conclusion 500


(Author’s name)
(Course Name)
(Instructor’s Name)
Human beings practice different cultures and activities that determine their existence. Among the most critical practice includes religion. For many years, religion has been a focal point in the lives of people. Some people believe in religion whereby they dedicate their lives to serve the religious course. However, some people are not religious but respect their colleague’s faith. Christianity represents the largest religious sect in the world. Nearly all nations have a Christian population with the majority being Catholics and Protestants. The impact of the religion, especially that of the Christians contribute significantly to the manner the society thrives. The church plays a critical role in the manner schools are created and operated worldwide. In fact, the church has contributed to the education sector of most nations compared to other institutions.
The need to have a society whereby people live a morally upright life has contributed to the start of evangelism in schools. By teaching young children about God from a tender age ensures that they understand what is expected of them in the present and in the future. As a result, religious studies are offered in both public and private schools. The students are allowed to study their religion of choice depending on the resources and guidance provided by the institution. Evangelism comes at a time when the student requires motivation and activities that excite them. Through the use of activities such as music and drama, the students are taught about numerous issues that affect the society at large.

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