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Engineering: Sustainable Environmental Design In Architecture (Research Paper Sample)
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Sustainable Environmental Design in Architecture
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The term Sustainable Architecture is used to refer to the type of architecture that aims to control and mitigate the bad effects of architectural buildings on the environment. This is usually achieved through creation of efficiency and the moderation of the use of building materials in construction, the consumed amounts of energy, the available development space and the entire ecosystem. It should be noted that sustainable architecture normally employs the use of a conscious approach to the use of energy and the conservation of ecology in the whole design of the building environment.1
The significant roles that the concepts of architecture and urbanism play in the current development society and space cannot be overemphasized. The sustainable environmental design plays a very important in trying to achieve both equitable and sustainable consumption. The release and circulation of poisonous gases and other substances such directly rely on the manner in which the cities and building are designed. In order for communities to sustain themselves from the menace of climate change and global warming, the cities and buildings across need to be constructed with not only sustainable but also equitable carbon footprints.1
The main purpose of the sustainability or ecological design idea is to make sure that the actions and decisions undertaken by individuals in their daily lives do not in actual sense prevent the available opportunities of the future generations. Thus, the essence of this paper is to explore the available sustainable environmental design options in architecture that are aimed to preserve our ecological systems.1 It will also present a number of ways that can be employed as a way of improving how many urban buildings are engineered, designed and constructed. Thus this will make it possible to put into use the many available construction materials and methods that are environmental friendly and sustainable. This will also promote the health of the building occupants to a very great extent.1[Burnham, A., Wang, M., & Wu, Y. (2006). Development and applications of GREET 2.7 – The transportation vehicle-cycle model. Argonne National Laboratory. Retrieved from /pdfs/TA/378.PDF2Charytonowicz, Jerzy. 2018. Advances in Human Factors, Sustainable Urban Planning and Infrastructure Proceedings of the AHFE 2017 International Conference on Human Factors, Sustainable Urban Planning and Infrastructure, July 17-21, 2017, The Westin Bonaventure Hotel, Los Angeles, California, USA. Cham: Springer]
The past few years have seen some dramatic improvements and understanding in the field of research regarding environmental design. Quite a number of methods have been developed and incorporated to advance and enhance the aspect of architectural design as a whole.1 The main reason why these many methods have been developed is to ensure and guarantee architectural design that is more energy efficient and sustainable. In the most recent past, the subject of sustainability concepts has actually become the common interest of every individual.2 The main reason for this particular popularity is to enable the performance of sustainable development. Thus the concepts of Green Architecture also famously referred to as the “sustainable architecture” or rather the “green building” is both a theory and science of the buildings that are constructed according to the laid down environmental policies and regulations.
The main objective of the green architecture is to minimize the amount of resources that are consumed in the building construction, the use of operation and at the same time the curtailing harm that is done to the environment through the subsequent emission, pollution and wastes of a number of components. Sustainable Environmental Design in Architecture aims to make it possible for people to leave in healthy and comfortable environments without necessarily damaging it. In actual sense, this means being able to use the available resources efficiently and effectively without incurring unnecessary wastes and harm to the flora and fauna. The focus is thus laid on energy and its use by different people and systems.1 Research from different scholars such as Hamada and Wang have substantiated the facts that energy consumptions by humans and the buildings constructed should be reduced and optimum use of natural energy environment given much emphasis. This will in long term contribute to the development an architectural concept that achieve one of the main objective of the current modern society which includes among others, the effective use of the natural energy resource and the realization of a sustainable energy and indeed a sustainable environment.2
In order to actually design, construct and execute operation that maintains the buildings amount of energy, there is need to employ the use of new materials while at the same time monitoring the amounts of wastes being generated in the process. Hence in order to lay a limit to these impeding effects, environmentally sound and resource efficient buildings ought to be constructed.2 The many existing contributions to the whole study of architectural and environmental design have been drawn from a varied number of areas that include but not limited to the field of applied mathematics, aspects of computer science, subject of optimization, medical research, management science, psychology, architecture and engineering in itself. It is worth noting that the various techniques that are developed in the above mentioned areas of research are significant in enhancing the performance of buildings, the satisfaction of occupants, their productivity and well being as well as the reduction of the incidences of arising health conditions and different chronic diseases that could be related to the use of the spaces that have been designed.1[1 Burnham, A., Wang, M., & Wu, Y. (2006). Development and applications of GREET 2.7 – The transportation vehicle-cycle model. Argonne National Laboratory. Retrieved from /pdfs/TA/378.PDF2 Charytonowicz, Jerzy. 2018. Advances in Human Factors, Sustainable Urban Planning and Infrastructure Proceedings of the AHFE 2017 International Conference on Human Factors, Sustainable Urban Planning and Infrastructure, July 17-21, 2017, The Westin Bonaventure Hotel, Los Angeles, California, USA. Cham: Springer]
It is important that all architectural practitioners and civil engineers not forgetting the other interdisciplinary researchers in the field acquire the best techniques that are required and necessary in the design, implementation and the testing of sustainability and promotion of health within the new or existing environmental structures. The subject of sustainable environmental design (SED) interacts directly with the real life problems and challenges which also affect the buildings and constructed cities across the entire world.1 Hence Design research for the sustainable environmental design must be driven by some evidence that is based on the criteria of performance and follows some logical process of adaptive architect ring. In addition, this must be preceded both from the inside and the outside engaging and attuning all the forms of building and its constituents to the actual rhythms and activities of the building occupants that are very natural.2
The main important objectives of the whole process should be geared toward improving the environmental quality within the cities and help in achieving the independence from the sources of energy that are non-renewable.2 Furthermore, the efforts must be directed towards developing an architecture that in environmentally friendly and sustainable and very capable of adapting fully to the changes in the climate conditions within the urban environments. It is important to factor that the theory relating to sustainable architecture came into being during the times of the energy crisis in the year 1970. Most recently this theory has become more famous and popular to the world. The main concept that the “green buildings” are clinched on is enable mitigate the daily upcoming challenges in the saving of energy and the avoidance of human extinction.
When this is successfully implemented and conceptualized, there will be the actualization of the “smart home” vocabulary which ordinarily relate to whole idea of sustainable architecture, bioclimatic design and its accompanying systems and the phenomenon of the eco-home. The concept of the eco-home and ecology in general has been pointed out as the main key factor and criterion that is being used to award any individuals with sustainable environmental design projects. 2 The main reason why green homes are being designed is actually to bring together the major achievements of urbanization that related to the natural environment. This ensures that life is more convenient, very close to nature and minimal disturbances to the natural environment. Human beings are normally harmonious and natural part of the biosphere. As a result, “Green Architecture” aims to optimize the growth, development and expansion of the urban planning and the design of different buildings.[2 Charytonowicz, Jerzy. 2018. Advances in Human Factors, Sustainable Urban Planning and Infrastructure Proceedings of the AHFE 2017 International Conference on Human Factors, Sustainable Urban Planning and Infrastructure, July 17-21, 3Edwards, Andres R. 2010. Thriving beyond sustainability: pathways to a resilient society. Philadelphia, Pa: New Society.]
Green architecture has been perceived by many people as improving the general environment and the climatic conditions. This further enhances the human habitation aspect that becomes more comfortable and quite healthy. The subjects of careful design with regard to sustainable environmental architecture include the following: Heating, Lighting, Cooling ...
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