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Ancient China & Ancient Korea (Research Paper Sample)

Ancient China & Ancient Korea Hello there, thank you for accepting this assignment. Please see all attachments and let me know if you have any questions. I have provided 25 sources please pick 20 primary sources from the ones I have attached for this assignment. This job will be broken into 2 parts. I have paid for the whole paper however I need the rough draft first. • Your Rough Draft must contain a minimum of 3000 words. • Choose documents from the following areas: Korea and China. • Select 20 primary sources from the source collection of your selected area(s). You may select documents from any period from your selected area(s), including multiple periods. • Your Rough Draft must contain a preliminary summary of the contents of all your chosen primary sources. What do your documents say? Who wrote them? Why were they written? • Your Rough Draft must also contain an analysis of the historical significance of your chosen primary sources. How do the documents you selected add to our understanding of the pre-modern history of your chosen area(s)? • You must list all of the sources that you used in your work at the end of your essay. This required listing does not count toward the minimum word count listed above. • The use or citation of any sources aside from your chosen primary sources is prohibited. • I will provide the professor feedback once she has graded the rough draft so you may complete the final draft Essay Instructions: • Your Essay must contain a minimum of 5500 words. • Your Essay must use a minimum of 20 primary sources from the source collection for the rough draft (Korea and China.). • Your Essay must contain a summary of the contents of all your chosen primary sources. What do your documents say? Who wrote them? Why were they written? • Your Essay must also contain an analysis of the historical significance of your chosen primary sources. How do the documents you selected add to our understanding of the pre-modern history of your chosen area(s)? • You must list all of the sources that you used in your work at the end of your essay. This required listing does not count toward the minimum word count listed above. • The use of any sources aside from the assigned primary sources is prohibited. Please only use the sources i have attached. source..
ANCIENT CHINA & ANCIENT KOREA Name The Name of the Class (Course) The Date Ancient China & Ancient Korea Introduction Despite the diversity exhibited in the contemporary world, some aspects of modern life in China and Korea appear to emanate from the ancient period. The current research seeks to summarize and analyze a collection of twenty ancient documents from Korea and China, spanning multiple periods. Following an in-depth and succinct exploration of Mulan brave adventures and Confucius’ philosophical teachings to the poetry of Song for a Dead Sister and the legends of Tangun, current research strives to elaborate how each chosen primary source adds to our understanding of the pre-modern Chinese and Korean history, besides identifying what each document says, who wrote them, and why they were written. The Ballad of Mullan (ODE of MULLAN) Summary The Ballad of Mullan is a short poem written by Han Frankel during the prehistoric period, highlighting the struggles and plight of Chinese soldiers and the impact of war on citizens. In particular, the poem underlines the importance of honor and love for one's country, exemplifying the Chinese culture whereby individuals love and esteem their families. The poem was written to show the essence of hierarchy and contribution to peace.[“The Ballad of Mulan (ODE OF MULAN).” In The Flowering Plum and the Palace Lady: Interpretations of Chinese Poetry, by Han H. Frankel (New Haven: Yale Unsiversity Press, 1976), 68-72.] Analysis The ancient times, more so the pre-historic period, were marred with numerous wars. Mulan fearlessly defends the state of her nation and is entirely committed to the course despite her status as a woman. Her return to her native home emphasizes the role of family in the Chinese perception, where loyalty is highly esteemed. The poem categorically distinguishes men's roles from women's duties, superiority, and characteristics in families. Such tractions obligate men to battle and cater for their families, whereas women tarry waiting for great men to marry and honor their parents.[“The Ballad of Mulan (ODE OF MULAN),” 01.] An understanding of the text outlines a peculiar paradigm of Chinese femininity as portrayed by Mulan with her embracing of uniforms meant for male soldiers. The poem is a crucial primary source for my undertaking as it highlights the plight of women during the prehistoric period and the struggles of a majority during the war. The text also highlights essential facets in the structures of government, family, and the extent of human prowess in enhancing cohesion, highlighting crucial elements such as humanness, piety, and war. I will refer to this text when citing examples of the distinct roles served by the government and the efforts rendered by different factions in ensuring a lasting peace. Confucian Analects: Confucius as a Teacher Summary On Confucius as a Teacher and Person is a document attributed to the prominent Chinese educator and philosopher Confucius (Kong Qiu). These excerpts, written and compiled by Confucius’ students and followers, highlight Kong’s teachings and sayings. Authored during the fragmentation of the Zhou kingdom into numerous de facto independent feudal states, this document was written primarily to provide a glimpse into Confucius’s educational philosophy and values.["Confucian Analects: On Confucius as a Teacher and Person," in Sources of Chinese Tradition, ed. Wm. T. Bary and Irene Bloom (New York: Columbia University Press, 1999), 01.] ["Confucian Analects: On Confucius as a Teacher and Person," 01.] Analysis The excerpts aid our understanding of China’s pre-modern history by providing valuable insights regarding the foundations of Chinese civilization and its intellectual history. Preference for critical thinking and knowledge over memorization indicates that pre-modern China was committed to lifelong learning and self-improvement. By providing insights into Confucius’ morality and ethical values, this excerpt shows us that pre-modern China valued reciprocity, loyalty, and righteousness, profoundly impacting Chinese society and governance ideologies.["Confucian Analects: On Confucius as a Teacher and Person," 02.] ["Confucian Analects: On Confucius as a Teacher and Person," 03.] Additionally, the statement that “in education, there should be no class distinctions” helps us understand that despite elitism, pre-modern Chinese fought for equal educational opportunities for all. Besides choosing to lead a simple life guided by wisdom and contentment over material wealth, this document also highlights China’s respect for tradition and cultural continuity, an instrumental aspect of Chinese cultural identity.["Confucian Analects: On Confucius as a Teacher and Person," 02.] ["Confucian Analects: On Confucius as a Teacher and Person," 03.] ["Confucian Analects: On Confucius as a Teacher and Person," 01.] Confucian Analects: Filial Piety and Humaneness Summary Filial Piety and Humaneness are teachings from the Confucian Analects, documented by Confucius’ disciples and followers a couple of generations after his death, highlighting the importance of righteousness and humility and the rejection of honor and wealth pursued at the expense of ethical principles. Written to highlight the importance of family relationships as the foundation of social harmony and moral behavior, the excerpt strongly emphasizes filial piety - the virtue of respect and devotion to one’s parents. The source argues that those devoted to their parents and siblings are less likely to offend their superiors. The article is written to communicate an alternative way to fostering harmony in the society. That is one in which a sense of shame and self-correction is instilled through guided moral values and educative rites.["Confucian Analects: General Selections on Filial Piety and Humaneness," in Sources of Chinese Tradition, ed. Wm. T. Bary and Irene Bloom (New York: Columbia University Press, 1999), 01.] ["Confucian Analects: General Selections on Filial Piety and Humaneness," 02.] Analysis The excerpts from Filial Piety and Humaneness provide insights into the intellectual and moral world of ancient China. This acts as a foundation for understanding the values and principles that shaped pre-modern Chinese culture and history. Considered a fundamental virtue in pre-historic China, humaneness encompassed treating people with respect, kindness, empathy, and compassion, which was instrumental for individuals’ and societal well-being. Thus, leaders who practiced moral force instead of punishments and strict regulations were considered influential.["Confucian Analects: General Selections on Filial Piety and Humaneness," 03.] Moreover, by providing insights into Confucius’ educational activities and ideologies, we get to understand the crucial role played by teachers and scholars in shaping political and ethical discourse in pre-historic China. The document also sheds light on the social context of the time, which helps us understand the decentralization of power in China during the pre-historic period. Despite hailing from the state of Lu, Confucius traveled among other states, advising and educating rulers, which reveals that the states interacted with one another despite their feudal governance nature.["Confucian Analects: General Selections on Filial Piety and Humaneness," 01.] ["Confucian Analects: General Selections on Filial Piety and Humaneness," 01.] Confucian Analects: On Government Summary Confucian Analects: On Government, written by Confucius’ first and second generations of followers, highlights the importance of reverence and trustworthiness in rulership by maintaining that leaders should show respect and proper conduct in handling affairs. Documented to advance a moral and ethical dimension to leadership, this excerpt addresses the problem of government in a fragmented, feudal state system. Confucius suggests being economical in expenditures and using resources, such as the people’s labor, judiciously and only at the proper season, reflecting the idea of responsible governance and resource management. Additionally, the document highlights the importance of moral force in maintaining order through rites rather than governing through strict regulations and punishments, thus encouraging a sense of shame and self-correction among the people.["Confucian Analects: On Government," in Sources of Chinese Tradition, ed. Wm. T. Bary and Irene Bloom (New York: Columbia University Press, 1999), 02.] ["Confucian Analects: On Government," 02.] Analysis Confucius’ emphasis on moral leadership and the enduring influence of his teachings make these documents significant for historical and philosophical studies. These documents add to our understanding of pre-historic China by revealing to the readers Confucius’, and by extension Chinese rulers’, approach to governance, which values virtuous conduct, rites, and moral leadership. Shedding light on ancient Chinese feudal states enhances our understanding of the historical context of political turmoil and competition among feudal states by highlighting the challenges faced by rulers and their quest for stability and unity. Overall, these selections contribute to our understanding of pre-modern Chinese history by offering insights into Confucius’ ideas on governance, ethics, and leadership during a time of political uncertainty and fragmentation.["Confucian Analects: On Government," 04.] ["Confucian Analects: On Government," 01.] Confucian Analects: On War Summary The Confucian Analects: On War, written by Confucius’ followers, explicitly focuses on the topic of war during a period of political turmoil and transition in ancient China. The excerpt suggests that before their deployment in warfare, ordinary people should undergo a seven-year education under the guidance of a good man, highlighting the import...
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