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HH104: American History, Major Developments, The War Events the Battle (Research Paper Sample)


IT IS ABOUT Marine Corps participated actively in the Second World War in 1945, but began during the period between the first and the Second World War, specifically, The Pacific Theater.

HH104: American History
Major Covington
Fall 2015
Marine Corps participated actively in the Second World War in 1945, but began during the period between the first and the Second World War, specifically, The Pacific Theater. During the Pacific Theater battle, the military capability of the Marine Corps developed strongly through advanced Technology played. Most of the technologies emerged between the 1920s and 1930s years between the wars. The development of the war technologies was a response to the dire need of victory following the casualties suffered in the ended First World War. Even after the Pacific Theater, the Marine Corps had many areas of technological development. Indeed, the Pacific Theater battle between the Marin Forces and the Japanese and Germans had a positive impact on the development of the Marine Corps in spite of the many casualties suffered. From the lessons learned during the war, the Marine Corps customized many technologies for application in the military operations. The Marine Corps carried out many military operations to acquire intelligence concerning the technologies used by the enemy.
Major Developments
The actions of the Marine Corps lead to major developments across many fields such as weaponry, logistics, communication, medical services, and military intelligence.
The war saw major advancement in the construction of war Ships, vehicles, fighter aircraft, heavy artillery, small armory, rockets, chemical weapons, biological weapons and atomic weapons.
The Marine Corps developed mechanisms for logistical support including vehicles to be used to transport soldiers and military supplies. The Marine Corps also developed ships, aircraft, trucks, and trains.
The Pacific Theater battle led the Marine Corps to the ideas of developing various devices to navigate, communicate, and perform remote sensing operations and espionage.
From the war, the Marine Corps saw a great need to improve the services offered to the soldiers. This led to the improvement in medical services through surgical inventions, and chemical medicines.
The technologies developed by the US Marine Corps were used in the factories as well as the manufacturing and distribution centers.
The War Events the Battle
The main opponent of the US Marine Corps in the Pacific Theater was the Germans and the Japanese. They took Pacific Theater as the initial opportunity for military operations widely to target the research initiatives of their enemies. This team was the America's amphibious forefront in the World War II, with a mission to attack and seize the islands of the Pacific operations. While it came to the climax in 1945, the Corps had more than 490,000 Marine soldiers on duty.
The war exposed the six Marine divisions to serious fights, bleeding, fighting and deaths, as the deadly battle grew into a long brutal warfare. However, the Corps was victorious on the Pacific side in spite of losing more than 20000 marines in death and more than 70000 being injured.
The American Marines Corps were the inventors of skills and techniques of the amphibious assault, a very challenging tactics in warfare. The tea...
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