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LGBT and Caster Semenya (Research Paper Sample)


The organization of sporting competitions the their reflection of the understanding of gender.


LGBT and Caster Semenya 
The Issue of LGBT in African Sports
The issue of LGBT in Africa is becoming a very complex one. This is because, in almost all the African countries, LGBT people are stigmatized, because either the locals have not accepted them in the society. In other countries, the laws established have made it very difficult for them since law does not recognize them. The problem does affect not only gays or lesbians, but also the transgender people.[Kretz, Adam J. 2013. "From "Kill the Gays" to "Kill the Gay Rights Movement": The Future of Homosexuality Legislation in Africa."Journal Of International Human Rights 11, no. 2: 207-244. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed August 7, 2014).]
One case is that of Caster Semenya who’s victory in the 2009 World Champions 800 Meters race made her get questioned that she did not meet the threshold by IAAF to be part of women’s races. This led to investigations by IAAF, who later allowed her to keep her price money and the medal. This move was inspired by the fact that IAAF lacked clarity in its requirements for one to participate in a women’s race. However, critics argued that since she lacked ovaries, uterus and that fact that her testosterone levels were very high, she ought not to have been allowed to participate in future women’s races. Semenya later came out in protest, to claim that she appreciated how God created her, and that she had accepted herself. Later, in the year 2014, there were several reports that Semenya was set to marry her long-term girlfriend, Violet Raseboya. The reporting, on both local and international media would not have pleased her, or her supporters. The media was widely criticized for creating a negative impression of the same.
Another case is that of the Nigerian women’s football team, which a fair share of homophobia has faced. In the year 2011, there were several unconfirmed reports that a number of women in the team were lesbians. The head coach, Uche, referred to this a non-physical thing, but something that required spiritual intervention to curb. Later, in the year 2013, the national women football federation in the country announced that they would liaise with the clubs, to make sure that any lesbian in the team would be kicked out. They banned participation of any lesbian footballers from participating in their national league. In Nigeria, LGBT rights are not observed, with a section of the country observing Sharia laws that are very strict on these acts. Resistance from FIFA faced the move by the Nigerian Women’s Football Federation, although the president did not offer much support to the stigmatized women.[ Longman, Jeré. 2011. 'In African Women’S Soccer, Homophobia Remains An Obstacle'.Nytimes.Com. Accessed August 7 2014. /2011/06/23/sports/soccer/in-african-womens-soccer-homophobia-remains-an-obstacle.html?pagewanted=all.]
These are clear indications that face African sportsmen and women, in relation to LGBT. Their rights are not observed, and stigmatization is still very high. This stigmatization must have affected a number of people, who have either shied of from exploiting their sexual desires or have continued to do the same in private. For example, in Nigeria, there were reports that a number of women footballers were lesbians. The federation, having threatened to ban them from football, they were forced to continue with lesbianism but in secret. The stigmatization that faces African sports people could have affected their performance. The case of Caster Semenya is one, where it became very hard for her to train after the negativity she faced in 2009 after the reports that she was a hermaphrodite. It is until recently that she is recovering her form at the world championships. One major problem that faces the case of Semenya is whether IAAF is right to allow here continue participating in Women’s competitions. Considering that she has a right to do so, she also has an advantage over other women due to her high levels of testosterone. The IAAF needs to look into this matter keenly, and to come up with a logical threshold for a person with such characteristics to participate in women’s or men’s races.
Despite the homophobia, that faces sports personalities in Africa, and sports are among the effective channels that could be used to reduce or eradicate this. According social scientists and other practitioners in social development, most societies need to recognize that sports effectively bring people together, and can be used to bridge the gaps between these people. Historically, sports have been used as a tool to transform gender norms, and to create a room for women and girls in the society. In the African society, men were the only people who participated in sports, while women were left to do other chores in the society. However, with time, this norm as changed, and both women and men are having equal opportunities in sports. The same idea could be borrowed and can be used to eradicate homophobia in Africa.[Spaaij, R. F. J., Ruth Jeanes, and Jonathan Magee. 2014. Sport and Social Exclusion in Global Society. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis, 2014. Discovery eBooks, EBSCOhost (acces...
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