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The business development assignment typically involves analyzing and strategizing to enhance the growth and profitability of a company. This multifaceted task requires a comprehensive understanding of business principles, market dynamics, and strategic planning. Firstly, such assignments often begin with an analysis phase. This involves conducting market research to identify trends, consumer preferences, and competitor strategies. By analyzing this data, one can pinpoint opportunities for growth and potential threats to the business. Secondly, strategic planning plays a crucial role. Based on the analysis, students might be tasked with developing strategies to enter new markets, diversify product offerings, or improve operational efficiencies. This requires a blend of creativity and analytical thinking to propose innovative solutions that align with the company's objectives. Moreover, assignments in business development frequently emphasize financial analysis. Students are expected to evaluate the financial implications of proposed strategies, including cost-benefit analysis, budgeting, and forecasting revenue streams. This financial acumen is essential to ensure that strategies are not only feasible but also profitable. Lastly, effective communication and presentation skills are vital in these assignments. Students often need to articulate their findings and recommendations clearly and persuasively to stakeholders, such as senior management or potential investors. This aspect highlights the importance of not only having robust analytical skills but also being able to communicate insights effectively. Overall, business development assignments are designed to cultivate a holistic understanding of how businesses grow and succeed in competitive markets. They challenge students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, fostering skills in analysis, strategic thinking, financial management, and communication that are essential for future business leaders source..
Your name: Enrolment Number: Course Name: Date: Executive Summary The future looks promising for Brookdale centre, particularly the Manchester, Leeds, and Bradford neighbourhoods. Already there are residential developments also within the northern cities coming up. While completion of this development will be led to an increase in population within these regions thus increasing the customer base. Brookdale centre will be a fine playground, fine-dining restaurants, stadiums, executive office outlets, and swimming pools. The services and products will ensure that entertainment and refreshments are of the outermost quality level. Brookdale centre will assemble a strong and able management team. The team will be led by Ian Christian was as the general manager. Brookdale centre will be targeting the people living around the regions neighbouring it. Also, the tourists that flock to the place due to the attraction of the activities that take place. Brookdale centre’s competitive advantage is hinged on the fact that it will offer all services under one roof which several other outlets spread within the country do not. Beginning with the use of Ј210 million in the principal year, the report has identified a long-term investment opportunity worth Ј200 million and Ј210 million for year two and three respectively. It is projected that Brookdale centre will make a net benefit of 15% in year three.  Table of Contents  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394418" Executive Summary  PAGEREF _Toc69394418 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394419" Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc69394419 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394420" Objective  PAGEREF _Toc69394420 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394421" Challenges  PAGEREF _Toc69394421 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394422" Detailed Plan and Implementation  PAGEREF _Toc69394422 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394423" Management and Operations  PAGEREF _Toc69394423 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394424" Plan  PAGEREF _Toc69394424 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394425" Product/Service strategy  PAGEREF _Toc69394425 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394426" Pricing Strategy  PAGEREF _Toc69394426 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394427" Promotional Strategy  PAGEREF _Toc69394427 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394428" HRM-Management and Operations  PAGEREF _Toc69394428 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394429" Michael Porter's value chain  PAGEREF _Toc69394429 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394430" Implementation  PAGEREF _Toc69394430 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394431" Training the workers  PAGEREF _Toc69394431 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394432" Creating an awards system for the workers  PAGEREF _Toc69394432 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394433" Ensuring that meetings are being held to evaluate performance.  PAGEREF _Toc69394433 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394434" Changing the prices for the rented retail shops  PAGEREF _Toc69394434 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394435" Advertisement  PAGEREF _Toc69394435 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394436" Conclusion  PAGEREF _Toc69394436 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc69394437" References  PAGEREF _Toc69394437 \h 12  Introduction The distinctive leisure centre mainly meant for entertainment, holding family and individual holidays, and children's playground and restaurants for food is the brainchild of Jonathan Owen who is also the owner. From the information given, the status of the business is at the take-over level. This is evident since it has several outlets and a high number of employees that are running the day-to-day activities of the business (Nielsen, et al., 2017). The business offers an all-purpose sports stadium, swimming pool and leisure centre, 9-screen cinema, crиche, a farmers’ market offering fresh supply to local suppliers, a cluster of fast-food outlets, a 100-room hotel, Toyota/Lexus dealership, and finally suites for executive offices. With this kind of packages, market demand is high since all are found under one roof. This is a great way to attract people and maintain them. Since there is a solution to the problem of moving around to look for different things instead, a customer finds them under the same roof. Considering that the site is situated on the edge of the Pennines, the people that are of the target are from regions such as Manchester, Leeds, Bradford, and most mid-northern cities and towns. The advantage of businesses under one roof is underscored by Dahana and Srinivasan (2011) as lending a competitive edge over other competing offers. Thus, when a customer walks in, they will come out with all that they intended to buy. Since different forms of entertainments are also available customers will not only come for shopping but will also come for entertainment. This is regarded as “killing two birds with one stone”, offering complete customer satisfaction. Objective To come up with a new management style that is result oriented and delivers quality. To create an Excellent Customer Service To create advertisement channels reaching the right customers Challenges Nevertheless, this type of business has got major challenges. One of these issues is based on management style. How the management handles the workers determines how the workers will handle the customers (khalaf, et al., 2016). For example, if the workers are underpaid, they will not have the moral to handle customers the right way (Nielsen, et al., 2017). The use of value chain framework will aid in not only identifying but also understanding the most crucial aspects of the business in order to achieve a competitive strength (Michael, 2001). The only foreseen challenge with using value chain is that it fails to take advantage of potential gains from relationships and alliances. Safety problems such as the collapse of a safety trail on the Titanic. The retail chains also complain of actual results falling below expected levels thus they have been constantly making poor profits. Thus, poor profits are a result of the following factors: Poor car parking management leading to congestion Lack of frequent public transport Ineffective marketing of the Centre by BME High overheads Poor organization and management of ancillary services such as cleaning and maintenance, a constant stream of breakdowns which create a poor impression on the customers. Detailed Plan and Implementation Management and Operations The structure put in place for the management of the business complex is the senior management structure. This is where there is only one head with several departments under the head as noted by Lehmann-Willenbrock, et al. (2017). There is a general manager, head of leisure, head of HR, head of finance, service manager and company secretary. Below the heads are several other junior departments in every region that the business exists. From the report by the head of human resources, it is evident that younger workers are not particularly happy at work. Thus, leading to their numbers dropping from 44 to 5 in the summer of 2021. Those aged between 55 to 66 years are the happiest and satisfied. With this result, the engagement survey also showed that most of the workers now have a negative attitude towards the organization and its values. This was very evident from the workers that handle customers. Since they expressed the impression of not being valued and are frequently overworked. This is so since Owen frequently berates his staff and his managers for their lack of commitment and drive often publicly which creates an embarrassment. According to Nielsen, et al. (2017) challenges experienced by employees can in turn affect the output of the entry team hence the revenue. Plan Product/Service strategy The products that are sold by BME will be changed. This is concerning their packaging. Products such as hotels, cavernoma, bedrooms, executive offices, stadium, and retail outlets require renovation. This will improve safety by reducing occurrence of accidents. Also, there will be a need to change some of the current products offered by the business. A product such as a children's playground having the trail will need to be removed and changed to ground train. This will eliminate the effects of accidents that occur due to heights. Pricing Strategy Changing prices The prices for the retail shops will need to be reduced at the point at which this plan will be implemented. This will ensure that the impact caused by the initial rates and service delivery to the tenants is compensated for. In the long run, demand will increase (Dahana & Srinivasanb, 2011). Increase of parking charges to raise funds for expansion of the narrow road leading into the business premises. By improving the quality of the services and products offered to the customers, the pricing will match the quality offered. According to (Samuel, et al., 2017) Value for money (VFM) = Price + Quality + Service. Promotional Strategy To make a wide reach out to the target market, the use of media will ensure wide coverage (Steenkamp, et al., 2018). Social media will be the first media to use. This includes Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and television adverts. Since in the current generation, most people spend their time on social media. Hence, this makes it easy to reach them. Also, the use of Facebook feature offers target advert, which will only be seen by potential customers. This advert will also include the retailers within the business. Additionally, the message that will be sent out will ensure clients connect with the products and services. HRM-Management and Operations The business needs to know how the employees feel about how they are being handled by their seniors. Kuvaas, et al. (2017) argue that organization’s treatment of workers has a direct effect on its success. Also, information on how they would want to be treated for them to feel comfortable when working will also be vital for service delivery improvement. Additi...
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