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Critical Analysis of Design Thinking (Research Paper Sample)


This report showcase the impact of the current pandemic situation on health care, education, and various other service sector and how the model of design plays a vital role in handling the uncertain situation with proper identification of alternative solutions. in the performed analysis, we have analyzed the design thinking approach in regards to resolving the challenges that arose due to the COVID 19 pandemic.


Critical Analysis of Design Thinking
Executive Summary
This report showcase the impact of the current pandemic situation on health care, education, and various other service sector and how the model of design plays a vital role in handling the uncertain situation with proper identification of alternative solutions.
The recent pandemic era due to overspreading of the coronavirus has resulted in huge concern about the health issues with massive research work being taken place to overcome the situation. COVID 19 had created a drastic impact on the society, the economy as well as the well-being of the people as a whole. Major sectors such as healthcare, education, and government have seen a massive change and innovation due to the concept of design thinking being implemented.
Many other services have faced both the negative and the positive side at the same time because of their easy adaptability to the change and by focusing on research, development, and training to find out alternative solutions. Now the main question for which we need an answer is how many positive ideas can be validated or created. The best way is through design thinking concept. Hence, in the performed analysis, we have analyzed the design thinking approach in regards to resolving the challenges that arose due to the COVID 19 pandemic.
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc101194996 \h 2Introduction PAGEREF _Toc101194997 \h 4Discussion PAGEREF _Toc101194998 \h 4The problem of Patient Care- PAGEREF _Toc101194999 \h 5Wicked problems faced by managers in the organization- PAGEREF _Toc101195000 \h 8Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc101195001 \h 10Reference List PAGEREF _Toc101195002 \h 11
The pandemic situation has also affected the environment to provide training to the learners in the healthcare era. It has shown us how one is prone to vulnerability caused due to the effect of the virus and how it is going to impact the health of the individual in the long run. Due to this one can feel the need and urgency to avoid the spread of infection rate to strengthen our immune system to adapt to the growing changes to respond efficiently. This has also resulted in the development of various alternative vaccines with the involvement of various processes of testing, finding alternatives, and analyzing based on different health issues which have the potential to reduce the impact caused on the human body. This situation has also created havoc in the education system with schools and colleges being shut down. The lockdown period bought the recent transition phase for this sector being achieved only utilizing the concept of design thinking. There has been a mark of uncertainty to handle the finance by the government as there has been a rise in subnational expenditure. Also such might create both fiscal deficit and revenue deficit with an impact on the reduction of GDP of the country. A business whether a startup company or a well-established organization is still searching for the solutions to competing challenges being imposed by the current situation. As we know that in the case of a crisis lies the greatest opportunity so is in the case of business. Some small companies have flourished due to the positive adaptability on their part as per the current situation. They have changed as per the growing needs of the change in terms of taste and preference which have resulted in higher growth potential with profit maximization. In regards to the above challenges faced by the various sectors due to the outbreak of the COVID 9 pandemic, we have performed a research analysis that discusses the key challenges that arose due to the outbreak of novel coronavirus and the approaches by which the design thinking concept can be applied to resolve these two challenges
Design thinking is the process of providing cognitive solutions to a complex problem. This results in better identification of a problem with a creative solution in the need of emergency or crisis. In this concept, our challenges are identified and the solutions by way of prototypes are created which are thereby tested in the challenging environment to know the efficacy of the same. It is a solution-based approach with a focus on forming creative ideas and their execution. It opens up and forms a new mindset to think and create new methods for the implication. In every sector there arise certain situations which are uncertain and cannot be avoided. Of such various assumptions, more clarity through the process is required to be created which is done by way of design thinking (Ichsan and Rahmayanti, 2020).
It also focuses on human behavior and needs. In health care it generally revolves around the identification of the current healthcare system, analyzing the needs of the participants or the targets within that system such as patients, providers, insurance companies, etc. It provides an entire gamut of the process with workable solutions which cannot be avoided (Johnson, 2020). Furthermore, we have observed that during the outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic, a plethora of wicked problems arose in the industrial sector, where entities faced the issue of market lack moreover, many entities were not able to survive in the market, and as a consequence failed miserably. Since, resolving a wicked problem requires managers to shift from their regularized mindset and develop new innovative ideas, the importance of design thinking gets signified. For, a few entities, survival is the best result but there are entities where survival is not merely enough to compete in the dynamic market. For those entities, expansion is the best alternative that must be achieved via the design thinking approach. Various problems can be resolved through design thinking being caused during the current pandemic era. Two such problems have been explained below.
The problem of Patient Care-
One of the major problems being faced during the pandemic by the healthcare sector is the effective services being provided to the patients. Due to the humongous number of increased cases, the services offered by the hospitals are not enough to fulfill the needs of the patients (Ersen et al., 2020). Basic amenities required for immediate treatment and comfortability are not been provided because of which the death rate has shown a massive rise. Private hospitals are onto charging very high fees for their services which people belonging to the middle or poor class cannot afford whereas government healthcare institutions are not been trained enough with new recent developments and technology to handle and overcome the current situation (Kaushik and Guleria, 2020).
I think Design thinking is one of the best solutions for handling the given situation in the sector through its 3-way model approach of Ideation, designing and implementation being discussed below.
Ideation- It is the step where new and creative ideas come into the picture. This is the beginning of any process where the root cause or the challenges being faced by the targets are known. The said problem is identified based on which various alternative solutions are framed based on the cognitive thinking process which is further developed and enhanced through proper training and coaching. In the healthcare sector, the healthcare staffs need to receive proper training and development for ease in adaptability to hi-tech technology having the potential to safeguard human lives. Also, the theater is a scope of further improvement that healthcare staff needs to work upon to provide effective services to the currently admitted patients (Ping et al., 2020).
Designing- This is one of the most important steps of the design thinking process where we develop creative solutions focusing on the ideas being created based on the challenges being faced (Farooq et al., 2020). This prototype is created which is generally a sample solution that needs to be tested in a challenging environment and to be compared to identify the best alternative solutions. In the healthcare sector creation of online knowledge hubs, virtual simulations, technologically enhanced coaching with video conferencing iterative sessions can be one of the creative solutions that can be implemented provided the staffs are adaptive to the change and are well versed in accepting the uncertainties (Ku and Lupton, 2022).
Implementation- Finally, the solutions are tested and compared in the challenging environment before their implementation. Proper review and feedback are also recorded to further improve the current process (Pozo-Rico et al., 2020).
The increase in the number of crises has led to various innovative healthcare measures to reduce the mortality rate. Some of these measures involve around staying in isolation, social distancing, closure of schools and colleges, and curfews to prevent the physical contact from curve down the spread (Rahmayanti et al., 2020).
But having said about the physical or health care issues there also lies a sense of mental distress which I think needs to be stressed while identifying the current scenario as people who are in close contact with the affected person such as healthcare workers, family or the patient himself faces huge psychological distress with a negative mindset. In the current VUCA world i.e. volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, stress is one of the root cause accelerators of posing various healthcare issues. According to me, the time has come to recharge or rethink the new procedure for the health care providers. The old traditional methods in health care institutions need to be reframed with major changes focusing on social distancing (Rana et al., 2020).
Since every coin has two sides, the same case of this as the posit...

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