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Lab Report Engineering Research Paper Research Essay (Research Paper Sample)


The knowledge about the area access control experiment was done to apply the knowledge and concept gained during the period the part of the course was covered. This was also done because of the moderate complexness of the system requirement. The main aim of this was to be able to achieve and produce a prototype system that coordinates with the specifications of the design. Therefore the main aim of this project is to try and elaborate a shot summary introduction of LEDs, LDRs, logic decoders (using Karnaugh maps and Boolean equations) and the concept of voltage dividers including the right ways of conducting the required experiments, what's more, to incorporate subsystems together to frame a bigger framework.


Lab Report
Student name
The knowledge about the area access control experiment was done to apply the knowledge and concept gained during the period the part of the course was covered. This was also done because of the moderate complexness of the system requirement. The main aim of this was to be able to achieve and produce a prototype system that coordinates with the specifications of the design. Therefore the main aim of this project is to try and elaborate a shot summary introduction of LEDs, LDRs, logic decoders (using Karnaugh maps and Boolean equations) and the concept of voltage dividers including the right ways of conducting the required experiments, what's more, to incorporate subsystems together to frame a bigger framework.
To deliver a card pursuer model for a section framework that peruses a card and dependent on the code on the card enables passage to at least one of three unique territories of various degrees of exceptional status.
Introduction to the project
Three electrical systems will be considered to achieve the results/ aims of the system.
* A deciphering rationale circuit to turn on 3 zones gets to LEDs.
* A circuit utilizing LDRs to distinguish when LEDs are turned on.
* A circuit to drive 4 LEDs from a solitary 5V supply.
A test was conducted on the subsystems independently on a designed built board. Then a test was conducted with all the elements of the systems are in cooperated for integration for the final output.
The accompanying formula and condition were utilized to finish the circuit accurately.
* R=VI
* R = Vs-VledIled
* Demorgans theorem
* Color-coded resistors

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